AdvoLogix Help

Manage Custom Actions for the Billing Preview

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AdvoLogix provides an ability to extract data from the billing preview lightning interface and consume any custom lightning component or background flows. There are two kinds of actions supported within the billing preview and they provide your developer or administrator the ability to extract all the billing record IDs or selected record IDs based on the filter applied. These record IDs can be used to query or process the data within your own customizations such as a custom lightning component on the same page or within a background flow.

What custom action types are supported?

  1. Get All Billing Record IDs - When this action is activated from the billing preview, it fetches and returns record IDs for all of the billings shown on the user interface based on the filter applied.
  2. Get Selected Billing Record IDs - When this action is activated from the billing preview, it fetches and returns record IDs for all of the selected billings shown on the user interface based on the filter applied.

How do I add custom actions?

Custom actions can be added by the system administrator in the AdvoLogix Setup tab.  For more information, please follow this link.

How do I read the data from the custom actions execution?

Based on the custom actions added by your administrator, the billing preview will present them within the action menu. The activation of these actions do not include any user interface interaction, instead the data provided as result of the activation can be listed within your own custom lightning component or within a flow. 

There are multiple ways you can get the data from the custom actions activation:

1. AdvoLogix issues Dynamic Interactions with data

This approach is suggested for Lightning Web Components (LWC).

AdvoLogix issues Dynamic Interactions for Lightning Web Components that can be subscribed to within a lightning page in Lightning App Builder. Follow this link to configure interactions for the billing preview.

2. AdvoLogix issues an Aura Application Event with data

This approach is suggested for Aura Components.

AdvoLogix issues an Aura Application Event, named advologixBillingPreviewEvent. The event includes an attribute, named data, which returns the Billing Preview JSON data, based on issued custom action.

3. AdvoLogix issues a Platform Event with data

This approach is suggested for any background operation like Flows or APEX Triggers.

AdvoLogix issues a Platform Event, named advpm__Data_Event__c. The platform event includes the Billing Preview JSON data, based on the issued custom action within advpm__Payload__c field, and the custom action name within advpm__Type__c field.

Use the sample project provided with example component to understand the usage of the Dynamic Interaction method for the billing preview data consumption.

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