AdvoLogix Help

Introduction to the AdvoLogix Kanban⚡Component

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The AdvoLogix Kanban provides a task management working environment for users who prefer to use a project management style user experience for visualizing and updating tasks. The drag and drop nature of the interface improves user productivity by allowing quick changes to task status and user assignments.

The following information applies to using the AdvoLogix Kanban in the Lightning Experience. Please see this article for using the Matter Kanban in Classic.

Lightning Page Component

The primary use case for the AdvoLogix Kanban component is within the context of a given matter; however, the component may also be deployed for any object that supports activities.

Functional Overview

The AdvoLogix Kanban displays a card wall of Tasks which are related to the underlying record (matter).   Within the Kanban component, cards represent slices of work (tasks) and can be moved across a series of steps allowing a visual display of progress. The Kanban also allows case managers to quickly re-assign tasks to members of the case team.

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