Rates allow you to create hourly rate prices for Timekeepers or for ad hoc chargeable items such as expenses or fixed fee items.
Choose a Rate
Go to the matter record that has the rate that needs to be modified. On the matter record, locate the Rates related list.
Go to the rate row action menu on the right and select Edit.
Editing the Rate
- Set a name for this rate.
- Choose the amount for this rate.
- Choose between the option of Hour or Item.
- Choose between the option of Time or Expense.
- Associate to a rate group - Enter a search term (part of the name of a rate group) and click the lookup icon to the right of the field. A blank lookup is performed when you click the lookup icon without entering a search term.
- Associate to a Matter - Enter a search term (part of the name of a matter) and click the lookup icon to the right of the field. A blank lookup is performed when you click the lookup icon without entering a search term.
- Associate to a timekeeper - Enter a search term (part of the name of a timekeeper) and click the lookup icon to the right of the field. A blank lookup is performed when you click the lookup icon without entering a search term.
- Check if you want this rate active (can not be used if not active).
- Check if you want this rate set as a default rate.
- Save Options:
- Click Save to save the new rate.
- Click Save and New to save the new rate. You will then be taken to a blank rate creation page to add an additional rate.
- Click Cancel to erase your attempt at creation and not save the rate.