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Related Files⚡Component Functionality

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Uploading files is done in context with the Matter, from within the panel. If you are comfortable with drag-and-drop functionality, then you will find it quick and seamless. Otherwise, you may just as easily use the file selection dialog.

The information in this article applies to the Related Files functionality available in Lightning Experience.  Please see this article for details regarding the Classic user experience.

Options for Uploading Files


  1. At the top-most area of the panel is what we refer to as a drop zone. The drop zone is indicated by the rectangle shape with dashed lines. To upload files, you may drag-and-drop one or more files to the drop zone.

  2. You may also upload files by selecting the Upload Files button to use your file selection dialog instead.

The maximum number of files that may be uploaded at one time is 50. It is, however, suggested to use small batches of files to give yourself a break between editing the associated meta-data. If you need to upload a large number of files, your system administrator can help you with tools made specifically for uploading files while you continue to work. 

File Upload Progress

File Upload Progress

 This is an example of a the file upload progress dialog. In this example, two files were selected for upload. 

  1. Displays the progress for the file currently being uploaded.
  2. A file may be canceled from the upload by clicking the X icon.
  3. The Done button will be enabled after all files have been uploaded.

Publishing Newly Uploaded Files

At the conclusion of the file upload, you will need to complete the required document information prior to being finished with your upload.

  1. Each file you uploaded is accompanied by a data information card that needs to be completed. Make sure to provide the appropriate information to make optimal use of the application.
  2. There will be one card for each file.  To ensure all cards have been completed, scroll down to the bottom of this list.
  3. Make sure to publish your files. Failure to complete this step will leave the files in your personal files area where only you can view them.

If your organization does not track time, you can remove the Log Time and Time (In Hours) fields by removing them from the field set named fieldSet_ContentTime on the Content Version object.

Maximum File Sizes

  • Uploading from modern browsers supports a file size up to 2 GB.
  • IE8 & 9 only support 10MB file upload (and do not support drag and drop).
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