A related time entry can be edited from the Matter tab.
Choose a Matter

- Click on the Name of a Matter OR
- Proceed to an alternate list view and choose a matter there
Edit the Time Record

Select Edit next to the desired Time entry.
Modify the Time Record

Modify desired Information for the Time record.
- Matter - Choose associated Matter for the time record.
- Owner - Defaults to the person logged in and creating the time record (can be changed after save).
- Contact - Contact that time record is associated to.
Time Details
- Entry Date - Date corresponding to time
- Time (in Hours) - Quantity of hour associated with this time
- Rate - Choose a pre-existing Rate from the Rate Table
- Rate Amount - Set a Rate Amount for the time entry or choose a Rate above ( from the Rate Table) and Rate Amount will default to the amount of chosen Rate
- Timekeeper - Person time record attributed to (may be different than logged in record creator - default owner)
- Description - Comments or descriptive details associated to the time record.
Completing the Time record
- Choose Save to save and proceed to finished Time record.
- Choose Cancel if do not want to save time record.
View the Modified Time Record

The Time detail page will show the information for the newly created time record and Time history will record creation information.
Newly Created Time Record in a Matter Related List