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How do I create a matter fee arrangement?

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Matter fee arrangements are generated using pre-configured fee arrangements containing all the detail required to implement for any matter within your organization.  If you haven't already familiarized yourself with Fee Arrangements, please be sure to start here first.

Create a New Matter Fee Arrangement

To begin creating a Matter Fee Arrangement, select the New button on the Matter Fee Arrangements related list on the matter record page.

1. Select a Matter Fee Arrangement Type

Select an appropriate record type for the matter fee arrangement. For more details regarding types of fee arrangements, follow this link.

2. Select a Fee Arrangement

Select a fee arrangement from the list displayed for the chosen record type.

2.1. New Contingency Fee

  1. Choose a Name that will make it easy to recognize the fee arrangement when searching and applying it to any matter.
  2. Provide a Description for future reference.
  3. Provide a Contingency Percentage to be set for the fee arrangement.

2.2. New Fixed Fee

  1. Choose a Name that will make it easy to recognize the fee arrangement when searching and applying it to any matter.
  2. Provide a Description for future reference.
  3. Provide a Matter Price to be set for the fee arrangement.
  4. Enable Default for Fees for allowing the fee arrangement to be set automatically on new time entries for the matter.
  5. Enable Default for Expenses for allowing the fee arrangement to be set automatically on new expenses for the matter.
  6. Provide a Recurrence schedule to be set for the fee arrangement that will determine the frequency with which your clients will be charged on a scheduled basis.
  7. Provide a Start Date for your recurring schedule of this fee arrangement.
  8. Provide an End Date for your recurring schedule of this fee arrangement.

3. Adding Features to the Fee Arrangement

From left to right, the column headings and the action buttons described as follows:

  1. Type - Identifies whether the feature will be applied based on the UTBMS code or the role.
  2. Role - Identifies the feature to be applicable for a particular role within your organization.
  3. Code - Identifies the feature to be applicable for a particular UTBMS code within your organization.
  4. Name - Provides the identity to the feature within the fee arrangement and could be populated based on the selected code or role value.
  5. Cost - The amount applicable for the specified code and role that is estimated to cost you as an organization.
  6. Price - The amount applicable for the specified code and role that is to be charged to clients.
  7. Unit Cap - The maximum number of hours that is included in the fee arrangement price for the specified code or role.
  8. No Cap - When enabled, this setting removes any cap on the number of hours that may have been specified for the code or role.
  9. Use Timekeeper Default Rate - When enabled, this setting overrides the price set for the feature for the specified code and role with the timekeeper's default rate within your organization.
  10. Total Cost - Provides an estimated cost for the specified code and role within the fee arrangement.
  11. Row Action Menu - Gives the options to Edit or Delete the feature in that row.
  12. Search - Provides searching capability within the features list.
  13. Features List Action Menu - Contains the options to allow customization of the features list columns using the List Builder.
  14. Refresh - Action button to reload features list.
  15. Filter - Action button to display or customize the filters to view the features list.
  16. Easy Add - An action button, when selected, provides a guided wizard for adding a new feature to the fee arrangement.
  17. New - Action button to initiate the standard features creation for the fee arrangement.
  18. Clone - Action button that allows cloning of selected features from the list.
  19. Delete - Action button that allows the user the ability to mass delete selected features from the list.

Easy Add Feature Wizard

The Easy Add function within features list provides a guided interface to easily add a new feature to the fee arrangement.

  • STEP 1: Select the Type of feature to be added to the fee arrangement.

  • STEP 2: Based on the chosen Type, select from the list of codes or roles to be added as a feature.

  • STEP 3: Presents an editable form with pre-filled cost & price information for the selected code or role.

Cloning a Matter Fee Arrangement

When a matter fee arrangement is cloned using the standard Clone action button (available on the matter fee arrangement record) it automatically clones all associated features as well.

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