The Multi Timer provides timekeepers with the ability to manage multiple time tracking objectives, in context with their AdvoLogix workflow. The multi timer can be deployed in a variety of ways within both the desktop and mobile user experiences.
Timers are considered a prelude to formally memorializing a time entry. The multi timer allows individual timekeepers to concurrently track multiple work processes. Each timer is persistently stored in the organization's cloud data and follows the user from location to location and device to device without losing time tracking continuity. For instance, a timer can be started at the office while working from a computer browser, the same user can then leave the office, open the Salesforce mobile app and continue to work with the timers without losing continuity.
Multi Timer Functional Capabilities
- A timer can be in one of two states, paused or running. The first button on the timer will reverse the timer's current state (from running to paused or from paused to running). Timer A represents a running timer, Timer B represents a paused timer.
- The elapsed time is presented in hh:mm:ss format. The elapsed time is continuously updated when the timer is running.
- Adding a description to the timer is optional but extremely helpful when managing multiple timers. A paused timer can quickly be identified by the italicized description font.
- This button allows the timer description to be edited. The description can also be edited by double-clicking the description area.
- The matter icon button is used to optionally assign the timer to a specific matter. When applicable, this allows the timekeeper the flexibility to establish a matter relationship at a time convenient with their workflow. Timer A represents a timer that has not been assigned to a matter. Timer B represents a timer that has been assigned to a matter. Hovering over the icon of an assigned matter will quickly show the matter assignment details.
- The last button exposes a context menu with additional actions available for working with the timer and are described in detail in the following section.
Timer Context Menu Options
Create Time
This option will create a new AdvoLogix time entry. The timer's elapsed time, description and matter will be sent as default values to the new time entry where further editing can take place. The timer is automatically removed upon completion of the new time entry.
Edit Elapsed
This option allows the end user to manually override the elapsed time to a value of their choice. This option is not enabled unless the timer is paused.
This option reveals additional details about the timer.
Will set the elapsed time to zero (0:00:00).
Will remove the timer from the system
Additional Functionality
- New timers can be created using the + New link in the upper right corner of the multi timer.
- The total elapsed time for all timers is continuously updated and displayed at the top of the multi timer.
Lightning App Builder Component Options
Two options are available when adding the Multi Timer to a Lightning Page layout:
Allow Matter Assignment
This option allows the end user the ability to assign the relative matter to the timer. This option is normally enabled with the exception of when the multi timer is added to a record page layout. When the multi timer is used on a record page the matter is automatically assigned based on the underlying record.
Allow Collapsible Display
This option allows the multi timer to be expanded or contracted from full display to a single line using an accordion style user experience.
Display Matter Name
This option displays the full matter name in the list, when space permits. This option is best suited when docking the multi timer in wide sections/areas only.
Implementation Use Cases
The multi timer functionality is independent from the classic Sidebar Quick Timer and the Salesforce Mobile Application Timer. If your organization is using the classic user interface, we suggest using one or the other (sidebar or multi) but not both within the same user experience.
The multi timer can be deployed in a variety of ways within both the desktop and mobile user experiences. Please select an option below for more details for each user experience.
The multi timer is a lightning component which allows it to be implemented in a variety of ways within lightning experience.
Lightning Home Page
When editing a lightning home page the multi timer is available in the lightning app builder's component palette.
In the Lightning Application Utility Bar
When modifying a lightning application, the multi timer component is available in the selection list for a utility bar Item.
Matter's Lightning Record Page
When editing a lightning matter record page the multi timer is available in the lightning app builder's component palette. The multi timer is self aware of being docked on the matter's record page and will automatically invoke functionality specific to the underlying matter:- The matter assignment icon is removed from the timer interface. The matter is automatically assigned to the timer when a new timer is added.
- The multi timer will only display timers related to the underlying matter in context.
- The matter assignment icon is removed from the timer interface. The matter is automatically assigned to the timer when a new timer is added.
In addition to the matter record page, the multi timer can also be added to other record types including the task and event record pages.
Salesforce Mobile App Navigation Menu
A multi timer option is available when editing the organization's Salesforce mobile app navigation menu.
Although the multi timer is a lightning component, AdvoLogix has also designed an implementation to support the multi timer within the classic user interface in the following ways:
Home Page Layout
A multi timer home page layout component is available in the classic home page layout editor.
Visualforce Page
A Visualforce page has been provided to allow organizations to optionally create a Visualforce Tab for placement on the classic main menu or from the 'All Tabs' selection area.
The multi timer has an API option to pragmatically create a new timer. This allows organizations and implementation teams to create adaptable timer experiences for unique use cases. The format for the API call is as follows:
SyntaxMultiTimerService.Execute( [@action, @description, @userId, @matterId ] );
The action parameter specifies whether the timer will be running or paused when created. This parameter is optional and will default to running when not specified.
Values for this parameter are:
to create the timer in running mode -
to create the timer in paused mode
The description parameter specifies a default description value for the new timer. This parameter is optional.
The userId parameter specifies the system user for whom the timer will be assigned. This parameter is optional and will default to the current logged in user when not specified.
The matterId parameter allows the timer to be related to a specific matter. This parameter is optional.
The contextRecordId parameter allows the timer to be related to any record. This parameter is optional.
The function call will return a JSON formatted string in this format: {success:"",result:""}
Will be TRUE or FALSE
Will be a confirmation message for a TRUE success result or an error message if the timer creation responds with a FALSE success status.
MultiTimerService.Execute( 0, 'Phone Conference', '0059000000GTrsgAA4', 'a0b9000000RJhKTEA1', '00T000012000agAEE2');
Please note that it is always suggested to test your code in the sandbox.