Uploading multiple files for a specific Matter can be easily accomplished using your computer's drag and drop functionality from the Matter Content section of the Matter page layout.
Overview of Functionality
- Users can upload new Content.
- Users have options to specify a Workspace and other meta data values such as Account/Matter/Category/Type (and any custom fields).
- Users have the option to delete Content (via a Delete button).
- The Tree on the left side shows records in the following hierarchy: Library -> Category.
When the Library node is selected the list of Content filters is based on Library selected. Likewise, if a Category is selected the Content will be filtered on both Library and selected Category.
- On new Upload of Content, if a Library is selected then that Library is used automatically to store the Content.
- There is a link to View Content as well as Upload “New Version” of content. Upload new Version works same way as new upload but with a change such that it requires a reason for uploading a new version to be specified when storing new Version.
- If grid display is too short to display the entire Content list, there is a link to make the Content module display in extended view.
AdvologixPM Content Module
Navigate to a matter detail page and scroll down till you find the Advologix Content Module
Upload Option A: Drag & Drop a single file
1. Open a file folder and highlight the intended file to transfer into Content
Select a file files that are grouped together
2. Click highlighted files and Drag & Drop the file onto the 'browse for files' dotted border line
Upload Option B: Drag & Drop multiple files
1. Open a file folder and highlight the intended files to transfer into Content
Select multiple files that are grouped together
If you need to select multiple files that are all grouped together follow the below steps.
- Select the first file and then press and hold the Shift key.
- While holding the key down click the last file. This will select all the files in-between the first and last file.
Select multiple files that are not grouped together
If there are multiple files you need to copy but they are not grouped together follow the below steps.
- Select the first file you want to copy and then press and hold the Ctrl key.
- While holding down the Ctrl key, select each of the other files you wish to select.
2. Click highlighted files and Drag & Drop them onto the 'browse for files' dotted border line
Publish Content

Title: Name the Content field
WorkSpace: You can Choose the Workspace (also called Library)
Description: You can provide additional information
Tags: You can select tags
Account: You can Choose the account to relate the content to
Matter: You can Choose the matter to relate the content to
Category: Choose a category from the drop-down options
Type: Choose a type from the drop-down options
Click Publish

See the new content added to the list of content in your module.
When clicking on the content name you are brought to the detail page for the content item.