Setting up a secured login session for focus matters is an optional configuration for users and not all customers may require this setup. Organizations frequently encountering errors while using focus matters-based filtering within AdvoLogix lightning components are encouraged to set up a secured login session.
With the secured login session configuration enabled in your organization, the users will need to authorize themselves to utilize focus matter related features within AdvoLogix provided lightning components, such as Focus Matters, Matter Calendar, Gantt, Billing Preview.
To create a Connected App in Salesforce, navigate to Setup | Platform Tools | Apps | App Manager. Click on the New Connected App button at the top right side. Under the Basic Information section, input the following information into the corresponding fields:
Connected App Name - For example, AdvoLogix Secured Login Integration.
- Using your keyboard, tab down to the next field.
- API Name - This will auto-populate based on what is entered into the field above.
- Contact Email - Input your email here.
Under the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, enable the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox and input the following information into the corresponding fields:
Callback URL - Enter your Salesforce My Domain URL, it should be entered in the following format:
https://[salesforce my domain url]
Selected OAuth Scopes - Add the following scopes:
- Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)
- Full access (full)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
Once the Save button is selected, you will see the screen below. Click on the Continue button.
On the page that opens, select the Manage button and then (on the next page) select the Edit Policies button. Under the OAuth Policies section, select All users may self-authorize from the Permitted Users list and select the Save button.
Go back to the App Manager and find the connected app you just created in the list. On the far right, click on the drop-down menu and select the View row action.
Under the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, note the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, which will be used in the next step.
To create an Auth. Provider in Salesforce, navigate to Setup | Settings | Identity | Auth. Providers and select the New button. Input the following information into the corresponding fields:
- Provider Type - Salesforce
Name - For example, AdvoLogix Secured Login Provider.
- Using your keyboard, tab down to the next field.
- URL Suffix - This will auto-populate based on what is entered into the field above.
- Consumer Key - Enter the Consumer Key created in Step 1.
- Consumer Secret - Enter the Consumer Secret created in Step 1.
- Default Scope - Enter refresh_token full in this field.
Select the Save button and, on the next page, scroll down to the Salesforce Configuration section and copy the Callback URL value.
Navigate back to the App Manager menu and Edit the Connected App created in Step 1. Update the Callback URL by pasting the value from above. Once the Save button is selected, you will see the screen below. Click on the Continue button.
To create the Named Credential in Salesforce, navigate to Setup | Settings | Security | Named Credentials and select the New Named Credential button. Input the following information into the corresponding fields:
Label - For example, AdvoLogix Secured Login Named Credential.
- Using your keyboard, tab down to the next field.
- Name - This will auto-populate based on what is entered into the field above.
URL - Enter your Salesforce My Domain URL, it should be entered in the following format:
https://[salesforce my domain url]
- Identity Type - Per User
- Authentication Protocol - OAuth 2.0
- Authentication Provider - Search and select the Auth. Provider created in Step 2.
- Scope - Enter refresh_token full in this field.
- Start Authentication Flow on Save - Uncheck
- Generate Authorization Header - Check
- Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Header - Check
Select the Save button to continue.
To set up the AdvoLogix Global Configuration, navigate to Setup | Platform Tools | Custom Code | Custom Metadata Types.
- Click on the Manage Records action link to the left of the AdvoLogix Global Configurations label.
- Click on the Edit action link to the left of the My Org Named Credential label.
- Enter the Named Credential API Name from the Named Credential created in Step 3.
Select the Save button.
This step must be completed by the users themselves. It cannot be completed by the system admin.
Navigate to the top right corner in Salesforce and click on the profile icon. Click on the Settings action link.
In the side menu (on the left), go to My Personal Information and click on Authentication Settings for External Systems. Select the New button as shown below.
Input the following information into the corresponding fields:
- External System Definition - Named Credential
- Named Credential - Select the Named Credential created in Step 3.
- User - Select the current logged in user.
- Authentication Protocol - OAuth 2.0
- Authentication Provider - If not selected already, select the Auth. Provider created in Step 2.
- Start Authentication Flow on Save - Check
Select the Save button and the user will be redirected to the Salesforce login screen. They will need to input their login credentials to log into the organization using the secured login. On the screen that opens, select the Allow button to allow access to the organization using the secured login session.