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How do I create a capped fee matter fee arrangement for a matter via automation?

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AdvoLogix provides a built-in flow action method to create a capped fee type of matter fee arrangement via Salesforce Flows.

Drag and drop or add an Action item in the Flow Builder canvas. Under the Action lookup field, search for Create Capped Fee to filter the Action.

Input Values

Use values from earlier in the flow to set the inputs for the Create Capped Fee Apex action. Store its outputs in variables to use them later in the flow.

  1. Matter ID - Matter record id value.
  2. Matter Price - An amount to be charged to the client as fees.
  3. Source Fee Arrangement ID - The fee arrangement record id value that would be used to generate the fixed fee matter fee arrangement.
  4. Include Expenses - [optional]  A true or false value that marks this matter fee arrangement to enable include expenses option within it.
  5. Default for Expenses - [optional]  A true or false value that marks this matter fee arrangement as the default when entering expenses for the matter.
  6. Default for Fees - [optional] A true or false value that marks this matter fee arrangement as the default when entering time for the matter.
  7. Recurrence - [optional]  How often the client is to be charged for these fees.
    (Accepted values are: One Time, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually)
  8. Start Date - If your Recurrence is set to a value other than One Time, then you must provide the start date here for your recurring schedule.
  9. End Date - If your Recurrence is set to a value other than One Time, you must provide the end date here for your recurring schedule.

Output Values

The action will return the newly created matter fee arrangement record.

Fields Returned in the Output:
  • RecordTypeId
  • RecordType.DeveloperName
  • Name
  • advpm__Type__c
  • advpm__Description__c
  • advpm__Source_Fee_Arrangement__c
  • advpm__Matter__c
  • advpm__Matter_Price__c
  • advpm__Discount_Percentage__c
  • advpm__Contingency_Percentage__c
  • advpm__Fee_Arrangement_Price__c
  • advpm__Total_Unit_Caps__c
  • advpm__Recurrence__c
  • advpm__Default_for_Fees__c
  • advpm__Default_for_Expenses__c
  • advpm__Start_Date__c
  • advpm__End_Date__c
  • advpm__Transactions_Billed_To_Date__c
  • advpm__Transactions_To_Be_Billed__c
  • advpm__Total_Price__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_as_Priced__c
  • advpm__As_Priced_Profit_Margin__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_for_Expenses__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_for_Time__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_as_Delivered__c
  • advpm__As_Delivered_Profit_Margin__c
  • advpm__NextBillDate__c
  • advpm__LastBillDate__c
  • CreatedDate
  • LastModifiedDate
  • CreatedById
  • LastModifiedById
  • OwnerId
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