AdvoLogix Help

Auto-Add Participants Functionality Overview

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With the Auto-Add Participants functionality, you can set up an option to have a particular contact or account automatically added to a matter within a particular record type upon creation.  

Use Case

This can be particularly helpful and time-saving for firms that create multiple matters of one particular type (i.e., estate planning) when the same contact or account will be a participant for those types of matters in nearly all instances.

Step 1: Add 'AutoAdd' Checkbox to Matter Layout

To set up auto-add for a particular contact or account (based on a particular matter record type) to all matters created with that record type, provided you checked the AutoAdd checkbox when creating the matter.

In Salesforce Setup (a)Object Manager (b)Matter (c).

  1. In the left side menu, click on Page Layouts and choose a matter page layout.
  2. Select Fields and find AutoAdd from the palette.
  3. Drag and drop the checkbox onto the layout in the desired location.
  4. Select Save.

Proceed to create a new matter to work with the AutoAdd checkbox field.

Step 2: Add CaseSafeID to Account & Contact Page Layouts

This step is optional.

Add CaseSafeID to the Account Page Layout
  1. In Salesforce SetupObject ManagerAccount.
  2. In the left side menu, click on Page Layouts and choose a matter page layout.
  3. Click on the Page Layout Name
  4. Select Fields and find CaseSafeID from the palette
  5. Drag and drop the CaseSafeID field onto the page layout
  6. Select Save

This CaseSafeID field can be removed from the page layout after AutoParticipantAccount custom settings are created.

Add CaseSafeID to the Contact Page Layout
  1. In Salesforce SetupObject ManagerContact.
  2. In the left side menu, click on Page Layouts and choose a matter page layout.
  3. Click on the Page Layout Name
  4. Select Fields and find CaseSafeID from the palette
  5. Drag and drop the CaseSafeID field onto the page layout
  6. Select Save

The CaseSafeID field can be removed from the page layout after the AutoParticipantContact custom settings are created.

Step 3: AutoAdd Participants via Custom Settings

To create the custom setting that will AutoAdd a particular account or contact, based on a particular matter record type, to all matters created with that record type.  Provided you have checked the AutoAdd checkbox when creating the matter.

When a matter has the auto-add enabled, the settings are activated for that specific matter record type. AdvoLogix processes module checks for setting records and creates account participants automatically for the matter.  The matching is based on the CaseSafeID values and a relevant record type entered in the custom setting record.

AutoAdd Participant Account via Custom Settings

Create the custom setting for the account (setting it as 'available' for the auto-add functionality):

  1. Navigate to SetupBuildDevelopCustom Settings
  2. Select Manage next to AutoParticipantAccount
  3. Select New
    • Choose a Name (must be unique)
    • Enter ID = value of <CaseSafeID> from the account record
    • Enter Record Type = <Record Type Name> from the matter's record types defined on the matter object
    • Enter Role = <Any Role Value> desired role for the participant.
  4. Select Save
AutoAdd Participant Contact via Custom Settings

Create the custom setting for the contact (setting it as 'available' for the auto-add functionality):

  1. Navigate to SetupBuildDevelopCustom Settings
  2. Select Manage next to AutoParticipantContact
  3. Select New
    • Choose a Name (must be unique)
    • Enter ID = value of <CaseSafeID> from the contact record
    • Enter Record Type = <Record Type Name> from the matter's record types defined on the matter object
    • Enter Role = <Any Role Value> desired role for the participant.
  4. Select Save

Create a Matter Using AutoAdd

To use the now formatted AutoAdd checkbox for a particular contact or account, based off a particular matter record type, to all matters created with that record type.  Provided you have checked the AutoAdd checkbox when creating the matter.

  1. Navigate to the Matters tab
  2. Select New Matter
  3. Select a record type
    • Choose a record type you have created custom auto-add setting for a Participant.
  4. Add all needed information to the new matter and be sure to check the AutoAdd checkbox
    • You will see that the Participants were automatically added to the Participants related list.
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