AdvoLogix Help

Introduction to the Matter Planner

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The Matter Planner consists of three project management user interfaces designed specifically for managing matter related activities (events and tasks).  

The matter planner is available from the Matter page and features the kanban, calendar and gantt views.   Each view manages activities and key dates in a unique and powerful way.

Kanban View

The kanban view is an excellent tool for holistically viewing matter tasks based on their current status. By using drag-and-drop the kanban provides an efficient interface for updating task status and assigning tasks to selected staff members. 

Please see this article for more details regarding the matter kanban.

Calendar View

The calendar view is an excellent interface for viewing matter key dates, events, tasks and time records within the context of a classic monthly calendar. Several options allow users to interactively select the information displayed within the calendar.

Please see this article for more details regarding the matter calendar.

Gantt View

The gantt view displays matter key dates, events, and tasks in a chronological grid format that includes a perpetual horizontal timeline across the top of the display. Several options allow users to interactively select the information displayed within the gantt.

Please see this article for more details regarding the matter gantt.

The calendar and gantt views are not limited to use from within the matter planner. These features are also available for viewing information across the entire organization, not just a single matter.

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