AdvoLogix includes a Timer for tracking and entering Time using your mobile device. The Timer is available as an option that can be added to your Salesforce mobile app navigation bar.
Are there any site requirements for the Timer?
- Your organization must be configured to use the My Domain feature.
- The Timer must be added to your Salesforce mobile app Navigation Bar (see Salesforce Mobile Application Setup).
If you enable the My Domain feature after installing the new release of AdvoLogix, you will need to enable the AdvoLogix Timer tab on the user profiles.
How does the Timer work?
There are 3 states the Timer can be in (as illustrated above):
- Press the start button to begin timing.
- Press the pause button to stop the timer.
- Press the Create Time button to create a new Time entry.
- Press the play button to continue timing.
- Press the reset button to clear the timer back to 0 elapsed time.
- Press the Create Time button to create a new Time entry.