Most professional time tracking applications use similar terminology to define the characteristics of their application. AdvoLogix adopts these time tracking norms where appropriate.
Account - The client entity in AdvoLogix will always be an Account record, usually of Client type. Accounts are records that keep track of those entities your firm does business with.
Matter - Also referred to as a Unit of Legal Work or a File. Matters are the central data element in AdvoLogix and are directly associated with an Account and must be related to an Account. This allows all accounting and time analytics to be tracked at both the Matter and Account levels.
Timekeeper - Generally associated with the person performing the work associated with a time tracking entry. AdvoLogix Timekeepers can be firm staff, outside counsel or any form of contract labor.
Time - A time slip which accounts for the details associated with a unit of work or expense.
Rate - Allow you to organize groups of Rates for specific Timekeepers for easy assignment of a group of Rates for Timekeepers to a Matter.
Rate Group - Allow you to create hourly rate prices for Timekeepers or for ad hoc chargeable items such as expenses or fixed fee items.