AdvoLogix Help

Budget Summary⚡Component

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The Budget Summary Lightning component provides a simple holistic view of your budget, with quick action buttons to add fee and expense details to your budget and the ability to easily batch add or edit details.

The Budget Summary component is only available on lightning record pages associated with the budget object.

Deployment Use Cases

The AdvoLogix Budget Summary component is designed for use within the budget object's lightning record pages. The primary use case for the component is to assist users with a quick view of fee and expense budget items.

Deployment Options

  1. Display Columns: By default, the component loads with the following fields from the Budget Detail object as display columns (if no value is provided here):
    RecordTypeId,advpm__Start_Date__c,advpm__End_Date__c,advpm__UTBMS_Code__c, advpm__Timekeeper__c,advpm__Quantity__c,advpm__Rate__c,advpm__Total__c,advpm__Target__c
    • The field API names are combined into a single string of comma-separated values and will display the fields as columns in the order they are provided.
    • AdvoLogix enforces Record Type columns to be displayed at all times, even if it is not provided in the Display Columns list of fields.
    • If no value is provided here, it will display the AdvoLogix-controlled default column list.
  2. Hide Export Action: When enabled, the Export Budget Details action will not be visible to users.
  3. Hide Import Action: When enabled, the Import Budget Details action will not be visible to users.

The Budget Summary⚡component offers five action buttons to help Add Fee budget details, Add Expense budget details, Batch Edit multiple budget detailsExport Budget Details, and Import Budget Details.

Adding the new Fee Budget and Expense Budget details from this component supports pre-populating the rate from the selected timekeeper/UTBMS Code.

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