AdvoLogix Help

Using the Matter Calendar on Mobile Devices

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The AdvoLogix Matter Calendar displays matter activities in a traditional monthly mode or a highly interactive schedule, weekly or day mode. Scheduled activities and key matter dates are optionally displayed and available for edit using the techniques described in this article.

Matter Calendar Toolbar Options

The toolbar allows users to navigate through the current time frame, adjust the display mode, and select various filter options. 

  1. The filter action menu allows users to select a display mode for their calendar and select from various filter options.
  2. The date picker button equips users to quickly navigate a monthly time frame within the calendar and preview activities on each day, facilitating quick access to a selected date.
  3. The Today button lets users quickly refresh the calendar to the current date.

Options to Display Mode and Filter By

1 - Display Mode

Allow users to view the calendar in Schedule, Day, Week, or Month format.

  • Schedule: Allows users to visualize each activity as a daily display card.
  • Day: This view provides a clear and organized visualization of your activities by the time of the day, top to bottom (from 12am to 12pm). All-day events appear at the top of the calendar with key dates and tasks.
  • Week: Users can visualize each activity as a display card for a day for the whole week from their calendar.
  • Month: Users can visualize activities by full month view.
2 - Matters to View

Ability to quickly filter down activities within the calendar to a specific matter.

3 - Limit Matters

If neither Focus Matters nor the List View Filter is unchecked, then the Matter Calendar will display activities throughout your organization that may or may not be associated with a matter in the current view of the calendar.

  • Focus Matters: This option, usually enabled, allows users to limit calendar items to those assigned to their Focus Matters. Users may further limit the items assigned to matters in which they play a specific role. It is important to note that this option is not required (or displayed) when working within the matter's record page.
  • List View Filter: This option allows users to limit calendar items to those assigned to matters meeting the criteria from a saved list view filter. It is important to note that this option is not required (or displayed) when working within the matter's record page.
4 - Limit Events
  • List View Filter: This option allows users to view a subset of event items displayed in the calendar using the saved event list view filter option.
  • Show Cancelled: This option allows canceled events to show on the calendar. 
5 - Limit Tasks
  • List View Filter: This option allows users to view a subset of task items displayed in the calendar using the saved task list view filter option.
  • Overdue Tasks: When enabled, this option only displays tasks that are overdue.
  • Incomplete Tasks: Completed tasks will not be shown in the calendar when enabled.
6 - Items to Show

The options within this section allow users to dynamically select the type(s) of items to display in the calendar. Users can choose a specific color code to display the respective item type.

7 - My Items
  • Show Only: This option limits the calendar items to those the current user is explicitly assigned to.
  • Always Show: This option surfaces all items assigned to the running user without regard to the Assigned Matter filter.

As specified above, the filter options are slightly different when using the Matter Calendar from the matter's record page than in the organizational context. 

Using the Date Picker

The Date Picker allows users to preview a full month of activities on each date and to select a date to quickly jump directly into the calendar in a Schedule, Day, Week, or Month format.  

  1. The back button allows navigating to the previous month.
  2. The next button allows navigating to the next month.
  3. The month preview with each day highlighting a number of activities with color-coded dots.

Understanding how the Date Picker operates in various display modes is crucial for efficient software navigation:

  • When viewing the calendar in Schedule mode, selecting a day on the Date Picker will navigate the user to that specific day.
  • When viewing the calendar in Day mode, selecting a day on the Date Picker will navigate the user to that specific day.
  • When viewing the calendar in Week mode, selecting a day on the Date Picker will navigate the user to the week containing the selected day.
  • When viewing the calendar in Month mode, selecting a day on the Date Picker will navigate the user to the month containing the selected day.
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