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How do I add the matter calendar to a lightning page?

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The Matter Calendar is available from the component palette in the Lightning page editor and is suitable for deploying throughout the Lightning Experience. 

1. Deployment Use Cases

Although there are a variety of use cases for the Matter Calendar Lightning component, the primary use cases are for designing user home pages and matter record pages.

1.1. Matter Record Page

The Matter Record Page represents the user experience for working with a specific matter. When using the calendar in this context only the items assigned to the underlying matter will be presented.

1.2. Home Page

Another common use is to display  the Matter Calendar on the user home page. This deployment method allows the user to design both wide and narrow column user experiences.

1.3. Other Use Cases

As a Lightning component the Matter Calendar can also be displayed in the email application sidebar, within a utility bar option or any standard Lightning page. 

2. Deployment Options

The Matter Calendar is available under the Custom - Managed section of the page designer's component palette. There are two options available for this component:

  • Identifier: Use a unique identifier to identify this component on the Lightning page. The Matter Calendar can be deployed multiple times on the same page layout. This option provides the each instance of the calendar a unique set of run-time options.

  • Header Title: Provides an option to override the default title displayed in the component heading.

  • Narrow View: Enabling this option will automatically adjust the user interface  to a single day view. This option is best used for narrow columns, the utility bar, and the email sidebar.

As stated previously, multiple instances of the Matter Calendar component can added to the same page. One such use case would be to provide two calendars, one wide, one narrow. The wide calendar could display the monthly view while the narrow calendar could display a single day view.

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