When a new conflict check is created an indexed data search is performed on the specified Search Term. The search process identifies potential conflicts within the search results. The search results are itemized with the ability to refer to the underlying conflict source, assign a status, and add commentary.
What information is displayed in the results list?
The Results tab of the conflict check dialog provides access to the search results of the conflict check. Each row in the results list represents an underlying AdvoLogix record in which the search term was found during the search.
The available columns in the results list are:
Status: The current status of the underlying result. Available options are Conflict, Potential, Resolved, Unresolved. The default status value for all results is Unresolved.
Status Date: The date the underlying result status was last modified. This field value is automatically managed by the system.
Found In: Represents the underlying record in which the search result was found. This column is composed of three elements:
- Graphic icon identifying the type of record the result was found in.
- The underlying record's name value.
- For contact and account records a third element is displayed to convey the number of matters in which the record participates (as a participant). Clicking this element will invoke the Participation Map for the underlying entity.
- Comments: Provides the ability for users to make specific comments regarding an individual result.
What functions can I perform from the results list?
The Results interface provides the following functionality:
- The Result Status filter allows users to display results assigned to one or more specific status values.
- The Status column can be edited in place to update the status value for the selected row. When more than one row is selected (using the tab checkbox) the status for all selected rows may (optionally) be updated.
- The Found In column is a hyperlink allowing the user to open the underlying record where the result was found. Hovering over this column displays a popup dialog with additional information relative to the underlying record.
- For those account and contact result records appearing as participants, they will have a numeric badge representing the number of matters whereby the entity exists as a participant. Clicking this badge will invoke the AdvoLogix participation map.
- The Comments column can be edited in place to update the comments value for the selected row. When more than one rows is selected (using the tab checkbox) the comments for all selected rows may (optionally) be updated.