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How do I retrieve matter fee arrangements via automation?

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The following Apex method can be used to retrieve a list of matter fee arrangements via custom coding. Please be aware that it is always suggested to test your code in the Sandbox.




The matter record's id value for which all the associated matter fee arrangements are to be retrieved.


The function will return list of sObjects of matter fee arrangement type.

Fields returned in the output:
  • RecordTypeId
  • RecordType.DeveloperName
  • Name
  • advpm__Description__c
  • advpm__Source_Fee_Arrangement__c
  • advpm__Matter__c
  • advpm__Matter_Price__c
  • advpm__Discount_Percentage__c
  • advpm__Contingency_Percentage__c
  • advpm__Fee_Arrangement_Price__c
  • advpm__Total_Unit_Caps__c
  • advpm__Recurrence__c
  • advpm__Default_for_Fees__c
  • advpm__Default_for_Expenses__c
  • advpm__Start_Date__c
  • advpm__End_Date__c
  • advpm__Transactions_Billed_To_Date__c
  • advpm__Transactions_To_Be_Billed__c
  • advpm__Total_Price__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_as_Priced__c
  • advpm__As_Priced_Profit_Margin__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_for_Expenses__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_for_Time__c
  • advpm__Total_Cost_as_Delivered__c
  • advpm__As_Delivered_Profit_Margin__c
  • advpm__NextBillDate__c
  • advpm__LastBillDate__c
  • CreatedDate
  • LastModifiedDate
  • CreatedById
  • LastModifiedById
  • OwnerId


advpm__Matter_Fee_Arrangement__c[] result = FeeArrangementService.getMatterFeeArrangementsList('a05900000051CpN
for(advpm__Matter_Fee_Arrangement__c r : result){
   System.debug('Matter Fee Arrangement retrieved : ' + r.Name);
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