The following Apex method can be used to create a capped fee matter fee arrangement for a matter via custom coding. Please be aware that you are always advised to test your code in the sandbox.
The fee arrangement record's id value using which the fixed fee type of matter fee arrangement is to be created.
The matter record's id value for which the fixed fee type of matter fee arrangement is to be created.
Your finalized matter price was offered to the client.
To mark this matter fee arrangement as the default when entering time for this matter.
To mark this matter fee arrangement as the default when entering time for this matter.
To mark this matter fee arrangement as the default when entering expenses for this matter.
Provide how often the client will be charged for these fees.
(Accepted values are: One Time
, Monthly
, Quarterly
, Annually
If your recurrence is other than One Time, then provide the start date for it.
If your recurrence is other than One Time, then provide the end date for it.
The function will return a list of sObjects for the matter fee arrangement type.
- RecordTypeId
- RecordType.DeveloperName
- Name
- advpm__Type__c
- advpm__Description__c
- advpm__Source_Fee_Arrangement__c
- advpm__Matter__c
- advpm__Matter_Price__c
- advpm__Discount_Percentage__c
- advpm__Contingency_Percentage__c
- advpm__Fee_Arrangement_Price__c
- advpm__Total_Unit_Caps__c
- advpm__Recurrence__c
- advpm__Default_for_Fees__c
- advpm__Default_for_Expenses__c
- advpm__Start_Date__c
- advpm__End_Date__c
- advpm__Transactions_Billed_To_Date__c
- advpm__Transactions_To_Be_Billed__c
- advpm__Total_Price__c
- advpm__Total_Cost_as_Priced__c
- advpm__As_Priced_Profit_Margin__c
- advpm__Total_Cost_for_Expenses__c
- advpm__Total_Cost_for_Time__c
- advpm__Total_Cost_as_Delivered__c
- advpm__As_Delivered_Profit_Margin__c
- advpm__NextBillDate__c
- advpm__LastBillDate__c
- CreatedDate
- LastModifiedDate
- CreatedById
- LastModifiedById
- OwnerId
advpm__Matter_Fee_Arrangement__c result = FeeArrangementService.createCappedFeeMatterFeeArrangement(
System.debug('Matter Fee Arrangement created : ' + result.Name);