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Using the List Builder to Configure an Enhanced List

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The List Builder configures the Enhanced List, controls the columns that are displayed, and customizes filters to be applied to the data that is shown in the Enhanced List.  The List Builder (within an Enhanced List) is available to all users. 

Some things to keep in mind when using the List Builder:

  • The List Builder settings are saved only for the instance of the Enhanced List placed on the Lightning page and for logged-in users only.  
  • The configuration is saved in the local browser's cache.  Clearing the cache or changing to a different browser will reset the Enhanced List to a basic configuration unless your system administrator has set a default field set.  For more information, follow this link.

The Three Functional Sections

The List Builder configuration interface is divided overall into 3 functional sections:

  • The first section allows users to choose fields to be displayed as columns in the Enhanced List.
  • The second section allows users to order the columns being displayed in the Enhanced List.
  • The third section allows users to apply filters to the data to be displayed in the Enhanced List. Additionally you can chose which column the list to be order by as well.

The various actions available for users to configure the Enhanced List:

  1. Check or Uncheck a column to be displayed or removed.
  2. Toggle the Required button to on when you want to make a field required when updating data.
  3. Selected columns allow users to visualize the order of columns being displayed.
  4. Use the Up and Down buttons to re-order the columns.
  5. The Logic Type menu allows users to combine multiple filters with specific logic operation. The available logic types are:
    1. All Conditions Are Met - the applied filters will be combined using an AND logic.
    2. Any Condition Is Met - the applied filters will be combined using an OR logic.
    3. Custom Logic Is Met - the applied filters can be combined using user supplied custom logic.
  6. The Add Condition action button allows users to add more filters.
  7. To remove a specific filter use this Delete action button.
  8. Records to Show will default the number of rows to be shown.
  9. Order By allows users to choose a column the Enhanced List data be sorted on.
  10. Direction allows users to choose the direction in which the data records will be sorted in.
  11. Apply and save the configuration for your Enhanced List.
  12. The Remove All action button allows users to quickly clear the applied filters in one go.

The Filters section is not available in the Enhanced List for Batch Entry Display Mode.

When adding filters within the List Builder, the lookup field filter will auto set the search context to the Name field of the object type. 

For example, if the Enhanced List is set to display Related Time records on a Matter, the user can add a filter such as, Timekeeper contains Alex. This will filter and show all Time records for the Matter where Timekeeper Name contains Alex.

When adding conditions under Filters, you can use a system defined variable CURRENT_USER_ID within Value input for any User based lookup field to retrieve data records by currently logged-in user's context.
For example, if we want to load records which are owned by logged in user, then your Filter Condition may be defined as:

  • Field = Owner
  • Operation = equals
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