You might have to activate your computer to successfully log in whenever your password is changed or reset, or when you log in from a computer you have not used to access AdvoLogix before. Activating your computer allows AdvoLogix and the Platform to verify your identity and prevent unauthorized access.
First Time Logging Into a New Computer
After navigating to the Login Screen and attempt to login.

After attempting to Login you may be prompted on the login page.
Click the Email Me a Verification Code button.
You will be sent an email; to the email address specified on your Salesforce user record; which will contain a 5 digit, randomly generated, verification number.

The activation link included in the email is available for you to copy and paste into your browser up to 24 hours from the time you clicked the Send Activation Link button. After 24 hours, the activation link expires, and you must repeat the activation process to log in.