An app is a group of tabs that works as a unit to provide functionality. Users can switch between apps using the app drop-down menu at the top-right corner of every page. The AdvoLogix app contains the AdvoLogix Matter Managment Functionality.

The tabs at the top of the page let you access different types of information.
Home Tab

From the Home tab, you can view your calendar and tasks, and select tab and sidebar options to access other information. You can also search for information and view messages and custom links provided by your administrator. An alert banner may appear on the Home tab to let you know when updates are available for desktop clients such as Connect Offline.
Chatter Tab

Chatter is a collaboration application that helps you connect with coworkers inside your AdvoLogix organization and share business information securely and in real time.
See: Advologix: Chatter
Activities Tab

Activities include tasks, calendar events, and requested meetings. You can define and track activities for many different objects, including campaigns, accounts, contacts, and leads.
Accounts Tab

Account are records that keep track of those entities your firm does business with. The Account record allows your firm to collect information about the companies your firm does business and interacts with. The Account record is supported by other records (matters, contacts, activities, etc.) that collectively give your firm a 360° view of your clients. From this vantage point, you can easily view from the top, and if you need to, you can easily drill into the details.
Contacts Tab

Contacts are a core component of a good Case Management system. Thanks to the platform, Advologix has the best in class platform to build our legal contact management system. Contacts may optionally be assigned to an Account which provides relevant business hierarchy for Contacts within organizations. Contacts are very critical for profiling Matter relationships such as co-counsel, opposition, insurance reps, and so on.
Matters Tab

Also referred to as a Case or File, Matters are the central data element in AdvoLogix. Matters are a unit of legal work or a unit of work associaed with a client. A matter is a detailed description of a contact's problem, or question and tracks to solve the problem or issue. You can also create and submit new matters. In addition, you can see cases assigned to court and which type of matter is, with dates and status of matter.
Libraries Tab

Rather than keep files in folders that make content difficult to find, Content stores files in fully searchable file repositories known as libraries. Libraries determine who can access Content documents, and library permissions determine who can do what to those documents. Administrators can create multiple libraries based on any classification, such as department name, job function, or team, then configure user permissions within the library to balance content access with security.
Time Tab

A time slip, fee or expense record which accounts for the details associated with billable or non billable unit of work or expense.
Dashboards Tab

Clicking the Dashboards tab displays the dashboard you viewed most recently. The top of the page shows the dashboard running user and the time of the last dashboard refresh.
Reports Tab

The Reports tab shows you all the reports and dashboards you can access.
AdvoLogix Setup Tab

AdvoLogix Setup: More From AdvoLogix Tab

Shows links and related products.
AdvoLogix Setup: Portal Settings Tab

Allows you to modify the welcome screen for the client portal.
AdvoLogix Setup: Timekeepers Tab

Create and Manage Timekeepers for your Staff and Resources. Generally associated with the person performing the work associated with a fee based Billing entry. AdvoLogix Timekeepers can be firm staff, outside counsel or any form of contract labor.
AdvoLogix Setup: Rates Tab

Create and manage rates for a matter or timekeeper.
AdvoLogix Setup: Activity Plans Tab

Create and manage activity plans which can be applied to matters for scheduling and creating tasks.
AdvoLogix Setup: Export Templates Tab

Create and manage export templates which can be used to retrieve customized data from time.
All Tabs (+) View

Using this page, you can:
- Click any of the tab names to quickly jump to that tab.
- If you have multiple apps, use the View drop-down list to see each app’s logo and included tabs.
- Click Customize My Tabs to change how tabs display on your custom Apps Screen.