An Event can be created in several different ways.
Navigate to the Activities Tab

Activities List View

Click New Event button
Optionally, Create An Event ~ From An Activities Related List

Navigate to open Activities - on most records
Click New Event
Enter The Details Of The Event

Enter the details of the event, such as subject, start date and time, and end date and time.
Create Recurring Series of Events

1. Select the Create Recurring Series of Events checkbox.
The Due Date field is disabled because recurring events do not all have the same due dates.
2. Select the Frequency of recurrence.
*Note: Depending on the type of series you are creating, the maximum number of occurrences is as follows:
Daily: 100
Weekly: 53
Monthly: 60
Yearly: 10
3. Set the Start Date and End Date.
Click Calculate max end date to automatically set the maximum end date allowed based on the frequency you selected.
Setting The Reminder

Advologix can display popup reminders for upcoming tasks and events. \ Reminders notify the activity assignee of an upcoming task or event. \ The reminder displays in a small browser popup window when the activity assignee is logged in to Advologix. When a user logs in, any reminders that have not been dismissed and reminders scheduled to occur since the last time the user logged out are shown in the reminder window.
Create or edit a task.
1. Select the Reminder checkbox.
2. Choose the time for the reminder. You will be reminded of the task on that date and time.
If you are setting the reminder for a recurring task series, the reminder applies to each occurrence in the series.
*NOTE: Reminders display in a small browser popup window, called the “reminder window.” When you first log into Advologix, a sound is played and the reminder window automatically pops up to notify you of any task or event reminders that were triggered since you last logged in. While you are logged in, the reminders window opens whenever a reminder is triggered.
See's Documentation
Dev/Trial Users: Setting Reminders on Activities
Active Users: Setting Reminders on Activities
Save The Event With No Invitees

Invite Others

Events that occur only once can have a maximum of 1,000 invitees and resources. Recurring events with invitees can have a maximum of 100 invitees and resources.
You must have at least read access to the contacts and leads you invite to an event. You must have at least “Add Events” on a resource to invite it to an event.
Click Add Invitees

- Type in all or a portion of the name of the person you wish to invite.
- Check the Checkbox next to the correct invitee.
- Click Insert Selected to Choose to insert the selected persons in the event invitee list.
- Click Done to add invitee(s) to the event.
Save The Event With Invitees

Invited staff (users) or contacts; whom receive an email containing a link to a web page where they can accept or decline the invitation for the event or event series.
You will also receive an email summary of the event.