You can share your calendar with individual users, personal or public groups, the users in a particular role, or the users in a particular role plus all of the users in roles below that role. Calendar sharing can only be used to grant wider access to data, not to restrict access.
The available calendar access options vary depending on the organization-wide calendar sharing level set by your administrator. Only choices that make your calendar access less restrictive are available. Calendar sharing settings affect the visibility of items on a calendar, but do not give access to event detail pages.
Calendar Sharing

Sharing Detail

Explanation of Access Levels
- Hide Details - Users can only see availability.
- Hide Details and Add Events - Users can see availability and add events.
- Show Details - Users can view the details of events, but they cannot add events or edit existing events.
- Show Details and Add Events - Users can view the details of events and add events, but they cannot edit existing events.
- Full Access - Users can view the details of events, add events, and edit existing events.
Regardless of whether your organization's sharing settings specify using hierarchies, activities associated with a record are still visible to users above the activity’s assignee in the role hierarchy.

Specify the sharing for this calendar or resource. You can share this calendar with individual users, personal or public groups, the users in a particular role, or the users in a particular role plus all of the users in roles below that role.
Individual sharing can only be used to grant wider access to data, not to restrict access.