AdvoLogix Help

User Login and Personal Settings

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While system administrators will spend most of their time in the setup menu, there is a separate configuration menu dedicated to personal user settings.  This menu gives users the ability to update their information, download desktop applications, and update other settings.  This menu is in slightly different locations based on the user interface you are using as well as other settings.

1. AdvoLogix User Accounts

Each person using AdvoLogix must have a user account. User accounts are created and managed by the organization's administrator and are the central component for controlling access and security within AdvoLogix. User accounts are assigned a unique  user name by the administrator and use a naming convention similar to an email address.

The username is used in conjunction with the associated password when logging into the application. AdvoLogix supports several password security features to accommodate a wide array of organizational security requirements. Such features include minimum password length, mandatory password expiration and password reuse restrictions.

1.1. Personal Settings

Personal settings allow you to customize your AdvoLogix experience. These settings allow users to view or update their personal settings such as their password and security question, email settings, as well as demographic and business information to assist the application with servicing their specific needs. These settings can be customized under the My Settings or Personal Setup

For instance, establishing a personal time zone allows the system to display time-centric information specifically tailored to the time zone users are working in.

2. Logging In to AdvoLogix

AdvoLogix supports several login methods. Your organization can choose or has chosen one of the following:

2.1. Logging In with the Login (default)

Users log in with their AdvoLogix user name and password from the standard login page found at

2.2. Logging In with a Custom Login

In lieu of the default login page organizations may choose to use a custom log in page. Your administrator will be able to provide you with the appropriate instructions should your organization choose to use this feature.

2.3. Logging In with Single Sign-on

Single sign-on allows organizations to establish a single log in account for all applications within the organization. If your organization has established this methodology your administrator will pre-configure the AdvoLogix sign-in credentials to work within your organization's specific framework.

3. The AdvoLogix Administrator

Most organizations under fifty users have a single person designated as their primary AdvoLogix administrator. Among other duties, it is important to understand the administrator is responsible for implementing a successful user management policy within the organization. AdvoLogix users should know the identity of their administrator and under which circumstances the administrator can provide assistance.

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