AdvoLogix Help

Navigating the Classic User Interface

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The Classic user interface navigation paradigm is designed for optimal user productivity by surfacing the most common functions.

  1. The main menu is a classic horizontal style menu. Menu options can be customized from the Customize Tabs area of a user's personal settings. In the example illustrated above, the Home option is the current active menu item.

  2. The all tabs option allows users to quickly select a specific tab which is not  displayed in the menu.

  3. Clicking the sidebar's collapse arrow will expand and collapse the sidebar.

  4. Quickly create a new record.

  5. Quickly jump to a recently accessed record.

  6. The Quick Menu provides shortcuts to select AdvoLogix features.

  7. The Recycle Bin allows access to recently deleted records.

  8. The Global Search feature quickly locates data records saved in your AdvoLogix system.

  9. The User menu displays a list of relevant options, specifically related to the current user. Common options on this menu allow the user to modify their personal settings, log out, or switch to the Lightning Experience.

  10. The Setup menu provides quick access to platform level setup options.

  11. The Help & Training menu provides access to platform level help and training topics.  These help topics are platform generic and do not specifically apply to the AdvoLogix application.

  12. The Application menu allows users to select and change the currently active application. In general, this selection controls the options available in the horizontal menu.

  1. Each list may have multiple saved views which control the column layout and record selection of the records displayed in the list.

  2. When the current user has the appropriate access control, list views can be created, modified or deleted.

  3. Each list has a unique set of action buttons. At minimum, most lists will have a New button for creating new records.

  4. The refresh button is useful for resetting the items displayed in the list.

  5. Lists may be dynamically sorted by clicking on a column heading. The arrow displayed next to the column title indicates the list is sorted in ascending or descending order.

  6. When a list is sorted alphabetically the Rolodex quick-filter will limit the items displayed in the list to those items whose first character corresponds to the selected Rolodex character.

  7. The print button prepares a printer friendly report of the items currently displayed in the list.

  8. The tag column allows for the selection of individual records in the list. Tagging a record precedes taking a mass action on a group of records. In the example illustrated above, the Mass Edit/Update button would act on the tagged records.

    • Clicking the tag checkbox will reverse the current tag state.
    • Clicking the tag checkbox in the list heading will tag or untag all records.
    • Hold the shift key while clicking a checkbox will tag or untag a series of records.
  1. The Chatter Feed can be displayed at the top of most forms in AdvoLogix. Clicking the Show Feed link will expand and collapse the display of chatter messages posted to the underlying record.

  2. Each form can optionally display sub-lists of information related to the record on the form. Clicking the link associated with the sub-list will navigate to the related information within the form. Hovering over the link will quickly display a subset of the information and available actions.

  3. Each form provides a customizable set of action buttons. These buttons perform a specific action related to the underlying record. Common buttons are Edit, Delete and Clone.

  4. The chevron next to the section label allows form sections to be collapsed and expanded.

  5. Some fields on forms can be edited in-place without using the forms edit button. These fields are identified by the pencil icon when hovering over their location on the form.

Many of the features discussed in this article can be enabled (or disabled) and customized by the AdvoLogix administrator. It is also important to note that user access controls may limit functionality for specific users.

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