AdvoLogix Help

Navigating Lightning Experience⚡

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The Lightning Experience (LEx) navigation paradigm is designed for optimal user productivity by surfacing the most common functions.

  1. The application launcher (or waffle) allows users to quickly change the current application or select a specific Lightning Page or Classic Tab.

  2. The main menu is a classic horizontal style menu. This menu can be customized by your Administrator and optionally assigned by user profile. In the example illustrated above, the Home option is the currently active menu item.

  3. Clicking on the down arrow, next to a menu item exposes the sub menu featuring several shortcut options. Clicking on the menu text (in this case Matter) will navigate directly to the data list as opposed to exposing the sub menu.

  4. Quickly create a new record. In this case this option will create a new Matter record.

  5. Quickly jump to any previously "favorited" records or list views for this record type.

  6. Quickly jump to a recently accessed record for this record type.

  7. Quickly select a recently used list view for this record type.

  8. The Favorites menu is split between two buttons:

    A. The left side (star icon) allows the user to quickly save the current page as a new Favorite. If the current page has been previously "favorited" the star will be colorized.

    B. The right side of this option group (the down arrow) will display a list of the current users previously "favorited" items.  

  9. The Global Action menu allows users to instantly invoke a quick action that has been assigned as a Lightning Experience action via the global publisher layout.

  10. The Help & Training menu provides access to platform level help and training topics.  These help topics are platform generic and do not specifically apply to the AdvoLogix application.

  11. The Setup menu provides quick access to platform level setup options.

  12. When illuminated, the Alerts menu will expose any pending notifications for the current user.

  13. The User menu display a list of relevant options, specifically related to the current user. Common options on this menu allow the user to modify their personal settings, log out, or switch to Salesforce Classic.
  1. Each list may have multiple saved list views and you can select different ones from here.

  2. List View Controls: When the current user has the appropriate access control, they can perform the following:
    • New
    • Clone
    • Rename
    • Sharing Settings
    • Edit List Filters
    • Select Fields to Display
    • Delete
    • Reset Column Widths

  3. Display as a Table or Kanban.

  4. Select a chart to better illustrate the data in the list view.
  1. The Highlights Panel shows important record details.

  2. Different information can be found on different tabs.

  3. Quickly view your most recent items.

  4. Quickly post to your Chatter feed or ask a question.

  5. Quickly view your Focus Matters here.

  6. Multi Timer: Add a new timer or view/edit your active timers. 
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