AdvoLogix August 2015 Major Release (version 1.48.x)
AdvoLogix provides two types of releases, major releases, and patch releases. Major releases are seasonal, occurring three times (approximately) per year and are generally accompanied by new functionality. Patch releases provide minor functional improvements and issue resolutions. It is important to note, patch releases are automatically installed for all customers on the current major release.
Major releases are not automatically installed into your organization. Click here for help with upgrading your organization to the latest major release of AdvoLogix.

- A new Worldox integration is now available. Worldox can be related to any AdvoLogix object. The most common implementations allow Worldox to be launched from the context of a Matter (and/or Account/Client). These Worldox links can be added to AdvoLogix as a button or a hyperlink placed on the detail page layout or by a hyperlink in the list view or on a report. Please see this article for more details on integrating Worldox.
- The AdvoLogix Accounting Seed integration has been enhanced to allow custom field mapping between AdvoLogix and Accounting Seed. In addition to the customizable default field mapping, new field mappings can be added for your organization's custom field requirements. Please see this article for more details on this feature.
New Notes (Beta) Feature
- AdvoLogix now supports the new Salesforce Notes (beta) feature. In addition to the native ability to save Notes directly to a Matter, AdvoLogix now includes support in the Matter Timeline and Matter Search features. Legacy Notes remain supported which means we include support for both formats (legacy and the new).
Matter Calendar and Matter Gantt
- A new global setting allows Tasks with the designation of Email to be hidden in the Matter Calendar and Matter Gantt visualizations. Within the Salesforce platform, Email is identified as a Task whose subject begins with "Email:" or whose Type is assigned the picklist value of Email.
- A new User Option allows users to interactively hide (or show) completed Tasks. This feature allows for quickly visualizing completed Tasks.

Action Plans
- New visualizations quickly illustrate dependencies on the Action Plan graphical timeline. Days Before dependencies rise from the top, Days After dependencies, submerge from below as illustrated above.
- A new API call allows an existing Action Plan to be deleted via code and/or automation. For more details please see this article and example implementation of this feature.
Other Enhancements
- Regarding Batch Time entry, when default rates have been enabled Time entries created with the Batch Time application will automatically populate the default rate.
- AdvoLogix now supports the profile setting used by the platform to allow Users access to Mass Edit functionality. This allows the buttons to be populated while also restricting access by User Profile. The Mass Edit functionality referenced by this note include Time, Edit and Matter. Accounts and Contacts have always used this preference.
This option is located on user profiles under the section titled General User Permissions. The option name is Mass Edits from Lists. The default for this option is normally enabled. If your organization has disabled this profile option, the Mass Edit buttons will not be available.
Interim Releases
- Resolved an issue with some customers not able to enter Time with Time Rounding enabled.
- Resolved an issue with the Matter Calendar not showing a group activity if current user is not an attendee AND the global option to expand group Activities is not enabled.
- Resolved an issue with the Matter Timeline when handling large amounts of data.
- Batch processing for participants is now supported through custom Apex and Triggers.