Title: October 2024, Version 1.152.x
AdvoLogix Matter Management Release (version number 1.152.x)
AdvoLogix has adopted a continuous development model, where releases are made available monthly. Each release may include new features, bug fixes, and/or minor improvements. The releases are not automatically pushed to your organizations but can be updated from the AdvoLogix Setup tab within our application. Click here to help upgrade your organization to AdvoLogix Matter Management's latest release.
🚀 Added Support for Lightning Web Security (LWS)
The AdvoLogix team has enhanced the application with added support for Lightning Web Security (LWS), ensuring improved security and performance within Lightning experience. This update includes robust protection against potential vulnerabilities and better resource management, providing our users with a more secure and efficient environment.
🚀 Added Support for Matter Closure Configuration
AdvoLogix now offers flexible customization options for marking matters as closed. Users can configure Matter Status to define a matter as closed based on either Stage, Status, or a combination of both. This enhancement enables more precise control over case workflows, allowing organizations to match their specific case closure criteria seamlessly. For more details, follow this link.
🚀 Improved Functioning for Applying Rate Groups to Matters
Now, organize your rates between your timekeepers across multiple matters with ease. Rate Groups are not only more functional but much easier to use and manage your applied matter rates, with the capability to update rates by rate group in bulk. For more details, follow this link.
Now Easily Setup Intake Forms for Custom or Standard Objects
AdvoLogix has improved the Intake Forms creation process and allowed selection of base object from a list of all available custom or standard objects from the organization without the need to adjust Base Object picklist on the Intake Form object.
AdvoLogix Now Provides More Capability Within Matter Fee Arrangements
Introduced a new "Bill at Unit Price" option in Matter Fee Arrangements, allowing fees to be billed at the feature's price for matters.
Improved Compatibility With Pasting Content From Microsoft Word Documents
AdvoLogix has improved the AdvoDoc Designer with better filtering of Microsoft Word based copied content into the editor. The pasted content will be more usable within the editor by allowing users to easily enter merge fields in places where they need to be without breaking the AdvoDoc document output.
New Objects Added
AdvoLogix has added the following new objects:
- Rate Group Member object
- Matter Rate Group object
New Fields Added
These fields must be manually added to the object's respective page layouts.
AdvoLogix has added the following new fields:
Closed (advpm__Is_Closed__c)
- Type: Checkbox (formula)
- Formula: (Driven by AdvoLogix Matter Status Configuration Based)
Do not auto-update rates from rate group (advpm__Do_not_auto_update_rates_from_rate_group__c)
- Type: Checkbox
Financial Risk (advpm__Financial_Risk__c)
- Type: Currency (16,2) (formula)
- Value: Numerical output
- Formula: Worst Case Settlement Amount + Total Budget – Insured Liability Limit + Unplanned Legal Expenses
Reputational Risk (advpm__Reputational_Risk__c)
- Type: Picklist
- Value: Low, Medium, High, None
Unplanned Legal Expenses (advpm__Unplanned_Legal_Expenses__c)
- Type: Currency (16,2)
Insured Liability Limit (advpm__Insured_Liability_Limit__c)
- Type: Currency (16,2)
Department (advpm__Department__c)
- Type: Picklist
- Value: Corporate, Administration, Legal/IT, Sales, Marketing, Product, Services
Timekeeper (advpm__Timekeeper__c)
- Type: Lookup (Timekeeper)
Role (advpm__Role__c)
- Type: Lookup (Role)
Rate Group (advpm__Rate_Group__c)
- Type: Master-Detail (Rate Group)
Rate (advpm__Rate__c)
- Type: Currency (16,2)
Cost (advpm__Cost__c)
- Type: Currency (16,2)
Active (advpm__Active__c)
- Type: Checkbox
Default (advpm__Default__c)
- Type: Checkbox
Description (advpm__Description__c)
- Type: Long Text Area
Matter (advpm__Matter__c
- Type: Master-Detail (Matter)
Rate Group (advpm__Rate_Group__c)
- Type: Master-Detail (Rate Group)
Closed (advpm__Closed__c)
- Type: Checkbox (formula)
- Formula: advpm__Matter__r.advpm__Is_Closed__c
Do not auto-update rates from rate group (advpm__Do_not_auto_update_rates_from_rate_group__c)
- Type: Checkbox (formula)
- Formula: advpm__Matter__r.advpm__Do_not_auto_update_rates_from_rate_group__c
Bill at Unit Price (advpm__Bill_at_Unit_Price__c)
- Type: Checkbox
Updated Page Layouts
These must be manually updated in the object's respective page layouts.
AdvoLogix has updated the page layouts of the following objects:
Matter Object >> All Page Layouts
- Add the following fields to Information section:
- Closed
- Add the following fields to System Information section:
- Do not auto-update rates from rate group
- Add the following fields to Financial Information section:
- Insured Liability Limit
- Unplanned Legal Expenses
- Reputational Risk
- Financial Risk
- Add the New button to the Budget Matter Fee Arrangements related list.
- Add new Related List - Matter Rate Groups.
Budget Object >> Budget Layout
- Remove the following fields from the Budget Information section:
- Total Budget Percentage Remaining
- Fee Percentage Remaining
- Expense Percentage Remaining
- Remaining Budget
- Remove the following section:
- Child Budgets Information
- The Child Budgets Information section has been moved to an enhanced form Lightning component on the Budget Lightning record pages named:
- AdvoLogix Budget2 Record Page
- AdvoLogix Budget2 Record Page (FA)
Matter Fee Arrangement Object >> All Page Layouts
- Add the following fields to Fee Arrangement Information section:
- Bill at Unit Price
Bug Fixes
Version 1.152.0
- Resolved an issue with the Matter Calendarâš¡where, on mobile and desktop, the hex colors are showing in the filter.
- Resolved an issue with an enhanced list when updating or adding an expense record, an additional row with a record type value was saved.
- Resolved an issue with the budget details batch summary component where the Batch Edit button is throwing an error message when loading.
- Resolved an issue where the matter participant's community sharing permissions are not removed from the matter when the participant is deleted from the matter.
- Resolved an issue with the intake forms being unable to display more than one object within the base objects list with the same labels.
- Resolved an issue where numeric and currency fields were missing decimal point values in the AdvoDoc output.
- The AdvoDoc editor compatibility has been enhanced with the ability to paste content from Microsoft Word documents.