AdvoLogix Help

March 2024, Version 1.145.x

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AdvoLogix Matter Management Release (version 1.145.x)

AdvoLogix has adopted a continuous development model where releases are made available in a monthly cycle. Each release may include new features, bug fixes, and/or minor improvements as well. The releases are not automatically pushed to your organizations but can be updated from the AdvoLogix Setup tab within our application. Click here for help with upgrading your organization to the latest release of AdvoLogix Matter Management.

Introducing Profile Management For Your Staff

AdvoLogix has introduced profile management for your staff, which allows you to manage and track your staff's skills, specializations, education and certifications, and performance reviews for various matters undertaken by them. This should assist you in assigning the best team of professionals for every client matter. For more details, follow this link.

Bug Fixes

Version 1.145.2

  • Resolved an issue with the matter fee arrangement based time logging not evaluating the amount correctly.

Version 1.145.1

  • Resolved an issue with enhanced reporting for estimates vs actual, where disabling the enhanced reporting option within AdvoLogix Setup does not remove the old transaction data from storage.
  • Resolved an issue with the Profile View lightning component, where users were not able to find the component within the Lightning app builder when customizing the People lightning record page.
  • Resolved an issue with the date calculator not counting Mondays within the business days based on specific business hours configuration within the organization.
  • Resolved an issue with the Budget Summary component on the Budget Detail lightning record page not displaying data within the digital experience.
  • Resolved an issue with incorrect computations for the 'As Delivered Profit Margin' and 'As Priced Profit Margin' fields of Fee Arrangements.
  • Resolved an issue with the AdvoDoc input wizard where users saw an error if the AdvoDoc Template contained merge fields from the related lookup fields.
  • Resolved an issue with the time form, where users were unable to place the Name field on the form.

Version 1.145.0

  • Resolved an issue where cloning a billing record incorrectly linked the matter and source record information from an old billing record.
Previous Article April 2024, Version 1.146.x
Next Article February 2024, Version 1.144.x
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