AdvoLogix Help

Matter Management Upgrade Failed Due to Fee Arrangement Dashboard Error (MM)

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Article #000001296


The system administrator receives an installation failed error when upgrading the AdvoLogix Matter Management package.


Why do I receive the error below when I try to upgrade the Matter Management package?

An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxx) Fee_Arrangement_Dashboards/Fee_Arrangement_Performance: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxx)


Looking at the error message provided, I can see there is a dashboard causing this issue. It's called the Fee Arrangement Performance dashboard, and it has a quick action that calls the custom field 'Matter__c.Email_Matter'.  The issue is that this field ID cannot be changed due to the master-detail relationship with OutgoingEmail.  Thus throwing an error.  To resolve this, the recommendation is to either:

  1. remove the components on the dashboard. The individual components are:
    1. Fee Arrangements by Delivered Margin
    2. Fee Arrangements - Lifetime Client Value
    3. Projected Contingency Revenue by Quarter
  2. or delete the dashboard

 and then you can proceed with the upgrade.

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