AdvoLogix Help

Migration from One Org to Another (MM)

Updated on

Article #000001027


The customer is migrating from one organization to another.


If a customer needs to migrate their existing Salesforce organization (org) to a different Salesforce org, below are some considerations and steps that need to be taken to maintain the integration between Salesforce and AdvoLogix throughout this transition period.


There may be other considerations that we are not familiar with that may be important for you to consider, so take this as generic guidance.

Consider using an implementation partner. They will have done exercises such as this in the past and can provide a customized path and approach. We can provide recommendations if needed.

  • Install Advologix first in your new org, ideally the most recent version
  • Install any other third-party apps that were in your source instance
  • Analyze the Salesforce platform settings in your current instance (non-AdvoLogix) and replicate.
  • Analyze the security model in your current instance for groups, profiles, and permission sets and replicate
  • Move all your "metadata" from your source instance to your target. This is cost-efficiently done by a Salesforce-qualified developer who would have development tools to extract all customizations from your current instance and move them to your target
  • Test all functionality with test clients, accounts, matters, etc.

Data Migration
Before you do the data migration, have a qualified admin or developer turn off all email sending, workflow, processes, triggers, etc. Anything that would inadvertently cause automation and data updates to occur during normal operation. You want to move the data and have it land in the same state you extracted it. Load all your users. During the migration process, all records that have a user reference will need to be mapped to the new "ID" the user has in the target from its original source ID value. Enable the inserting to the date fields for created and modified dates so it maintains the data in your source instead of loading the data to the date you do the migrating. This is a permission setting you can enable. Plan out your order of migration operations and transformation of all ID values from the source data to the target data. Data can have prerequisites for the order. For instance, you will have to load Contacts, then Matters, so all references to the new contacts and matters exist when you load Participants. Know the tools you are going to use to migrate data. Salesforce provides the Data Loader tool, which is serviceable. Consider using a data migration and transformation program like Skyvia. There are others as well. This type of tool will allow you to orchestrate your migration and build in the transformations I mentioned earlier to ensure new record ID references are inserted appropriately, as mentioned above. Just a warning: this is something that should be done at an expert level for a resource with extensive Salesforce and data experience.

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