AdvoLogix Help

Processing an Assignment Rule Set via Process Builder

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The following technique has been developed to provide organizations with the ability to automatically process an Assignment Rule Set from within the Process Builder.

Use the following custom Apex Class to facilitate using the Process Builder.

AdvoLogix Assignment Rules Apex Class

The following Apex method can be used to process an Assignment Rule Set via Process Builder.

Apex Class Name:


Required. The Id value of the base object's source record for which Assignment Rule should be processed.

Required. The Assignment Rule Set Id to be used for processing with the source record for predefined assignment actions.

Creating an Apex Action Type in Process Builder

To use this class in Process Builder, follow these steps as highlighted below:

  1. Go to Setup | Create | Workflows & Approvals | Process Builder, and Create a New Process and click Add Action.

  2. Select Action Type as Apex.

  3. Enter Action Name. This is your way of identifying the action in the list of actions.

  4. Select AssignmentRulesService as Apex Class. Two parameters are automatically added to Set Apex Variables section.

  5. Enter the field name of the Record ID field. This will normally be the Matter ID field but could also be the Contact or Account ID field name.

  6. Enter the record ID of the Assignment Rule Set ID you wish to instantiate with this Action.

  7. Click Save.

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