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Matter Management Data Object Triggers

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This article is intended as a high-level overview of the background Trigger processes used by AdvoLogix. 

To ensure the integrity of future updates, these triggers cannot be modified. If your integration relies on coexisting with these business processes please reach out to our support team for assistance in understanding the impact.

Any AdvoLogix trigger can be disabled via custom settings, without modifying the trigger code. This may be useful when importing large amounts of data or other specific data processing tasks. Please contact AdvoLogix support for additional information.

This information may be subject to change and is for general planning purposes only.

Apex Triggers
Object Category Execution Context Description
Account Integrity Delete Cascade delete related Activity Plans.
Legal Hold Delete Prevents the Account from being deleted if the Account is a Participant of any Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Contact Integrity Delete Cascade delete related Activity Plans.
Legal Hold Delete Prevents the Contact from being deleted if the Contact is a Participant of any Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Matter Integrity Delete Cascade delete related Activity Plans.
Prevents Matter delete, if default rates exist for the Matter.
Legal Hold Delete Prevent the Matter from being deleted, if:
  1. The Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
  2. The Parent Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
Update Prevent changing the Parent Matter if the currently entered Parent Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
Create, Update When the Matter is marked (or unmarked) as Legal Hold, the trigger manages the Legal Hold tag on any Content.
If Matter is marked for Legal Hold, the trigger will create new Matter Legal Hold Acknowledgement records.

Legal Hold Acknowledgement records are created for:
  • Matter Owner
  • User Participants
  • Account Participants' Owner
  • Contact Participants' Owner

(see Legal Hold Acknowledgements for more details)

Auto Add Create, Update When the Matter is updated with 'Auto Add' set to true, the trigger will automatically add a Contact Participant and/or Account Participant if respective Custom Setting objects ('Auto Participant Account' & 'Auto Participant Contact') have been pre-set.
Lookup Participants Create, Update Matter lookup fields (Account, Contact, User) can be optionally setup as managed Participants. When applicable, the trigger will automatically create the respective Participant.
Activities Activity Plans Update Field changes such as Activity Date, Status and Subject are synchronized back to the source Activity Plan.
If the Activity has dependent child Activities, the child dependent Activities are re-evaluated and updated to new due dates.
Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Activity, when:
  1. Associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
  2. Associated with an Account Participant linked to a Legal Hold Matter.
  3. Associated with a Contact Participant linked to a Legal Hold Matter.
Update Prevent updating an Activity if modifications contain change of 'Related To' or 'Name' field values and :
  1. 'Related To' is a Legal Hold Matter
  2. 'Name' is a Contact Participant to a Legal Hold Matter.
Log Time Create, Update If Log Time is checked and Activity is linked to Matter:
  1. Creates (or updates) a Time record, linked to this Activity.
  2. Reference of linked Time record is updated back into the Activity record.
User Create Timekeeper Create, Update When the "Create Timekeeper" checkbox is activated this validation ensures a Timekeeper record exists. If not, a new Timekeeper record will be created.
Participant Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Participant when the Participant is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Update Cannot modify the Matter assignment If the currently assigned Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
Note Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Note when the Note is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Comment Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Comment when the Comment is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Time Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Time when the Time is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Update Cannot modify the Matter assignment If the currently assigned Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
Export Template Update, Delete Prevent deleting or updating when the Time's "Exported" checkbox is checked.
Integrity Create, Update On Time insert or update, the Name field value is auto-populated to following format: yyyy-mm-dd : Matter Name (first 80 characters)
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete 'Time in Hours' and 'Total Amount' field values are totaled and updated in the related Matter's Total Time and Total Time Amount fields (respectively).
Expense Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Expense when the Expense is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Cross Reference Matter Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Cross Reference when the Cross Reference is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold. (both parent/child relationship Matters are validated)
Update Cannot modify the Matter assignment If the currently assigned Matter is marked as Legal Hold. (both parent/child relationship Matters are validated)
Matter Legal Hold Acknowledgement
Create On Insert sends Email Notifications to declared recipient. NOTE: If the record is manually created and the Matter is not marked as legal hold, no email will be sent. (see Legal Hold under Matter for more information)
Offer and Demand Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Offer and Demand when the Offer and Demand is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Update Cannot modify the Matter assignment If the currently assigned Matter is marked as Legal Hold. (both parent/child relationship Matters are validated)
Rate Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Rate when the Rate is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Update Cannot modify the Matter assignment If the currently assigned Matter is marked as Legal Hold.
Integrity Create, Update Prevents multiple default rates from being entered for the same Timekeeper or Matter or Role.
Rate Group Integrity Delete Prevents delete if the Rate Group has any Rates associated with it.
Timekeeper Integrity Delete Prevents Timekeeper delete, if default rates exist for the Timekeeper.
Attachment Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Attachment when the Attachment is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Content Version Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the CV when the CV is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Update Prevent changing the CV's assigned Matter if the Matter is in Legal Hold.
Create, Update If Content is linked to a Matter marked as Legal Hold, Content gets a 'Tag' added to it labelled as 'Legal Hold'.
Global Option Update If the global option to "Create Chatter Post for New Content?" is enabled, Content updates are posted to the Matter's feed.
Log Time Create, Update If Log Time is checked and Content is linked to Matter:
  1. Creates (or updates) a Time record, linked to this Content.
  2. Reference of linked Time record is updated back into the Content record.
Budget Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Budget when the Budget is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Integrity Delete Prevent deleting the Budget if the Budget is Locked
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete Related Matter record is updated to store SUM of all Budget record for that Matter and calculating Total Hours, Total Budget, Total Fees Budget and Total Expenses Budget values.
Detail Budget Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Detail Budget when the parent Budget is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Integrity Delete Prevent deleting the Detail Budget if the parent Budget is Locked.
Summary Budget Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Summary Budget when the parent Budget is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Integrity Delete Prevent deleting the Summary Budget if the Budget is Locked.
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete The parent Budget record is updated to save a SUM of all Summary Budget records for the Budget. The aggregates include Hours, Fees, and Expense.
Budget Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Budget when the Budget is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Integrity Create, Update Prevent selection of mis-matched UTBMS Code Sets between Budget and Budget Detail.
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete Related Matter record is updated to store SUM of all Budget record for that Matter and calculating Total Hours, Total Budget, Total Fees Budget and Total Expenses Budget values.
Budget Detail Legal Hold Delete Prevent deleting the Detail Budget when the parent Budget is associated with a Matter marked as Legal Hold.
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete The parent Budget Detail record is updated to save a SUM of all child Budget Detail records. The aggregates include Quantity, Total and Target.
The parent Budget record is updated to save a SUM of all Budget Detail records. The aggregates include Fee Budget, Expense Budget, Total Quantity and Target Budget.
Budget Template Integrity Create, Update Prevent selection of mis-matched UTBMS Code Sets between Budget Template and Budget Template Detail.
Budget Template Detail Aggregate Create, Update, Delete The parent Budget Template Detail record is updated to save a SUM of all child Budget Template Detail records. The aggregates include Quantity, Total and Target.
The parent Budget Template record is updated to save a SUM of all Budget Template Detail records. The aggregates include Fee Budget, Expense Budget, Total Quantity and Target Budget.
UTBMS Code Set Integrity Delete Prevent deleting a Standard AdvoLogix packaged UTBMS Code Set.
Create, Update Prevents multiple default UTBMS Code Sets from being entered for the same Account or Matter.
UTBMS Code Integrity Delete Prevent deleting a Standard AdvoLogix packaged UTBMS Code.
Matter Fee Arrangement Integrity Update If matter fee arrangement has set a recurrence schedule, then:
  1. Any modifications to Start Date are prevented.
  2. Start Date cannot be set for today or past.
Create, Update Prevents activating multiple matter fee arrangements from being enabled as default for Fees or Expense for a Matter.
Process fees for On-Time matter fee arrangements.
Process and set future recurring transactions schedule for matter fee arrangements.
Aggregate Create, Update, Delete, Undelete The parent Fee Arrangement is updated to store Number of Matters using the MFA, Total Cost & Price As Delivered metrics.
Flow Triggers
Triggering Object Category Execution Context Description
Matter Fee Arrangement Integrity Create, Update If the related Matter do not have a prior Contingency Fee Arrangement on it then current matter fee arrangement is set as Contingency Fee Arrangement for the matter.
Matter Fee Arrangement Feature Auto Generate Name
Create, Update Auto fills feature Name from Code or Role.
Fee Arrangement Feature Auto Generate Name
Create, Update Auto fills feature Name from Code or Role.
Budget Matter Fee Arrangement Integrity Create, Update Auto fill Matter from parent Budget record & Source Fee Arrangement from Matter Fee Arrangement.
Party Integrity Create, Update

Auto fills Account, Contact, User and Role from party Participant.

Auto Generate Name
Create, Update

Auto fills feature Name from party Account, Contact, User or Participant.

Expense Integrity Create, Update Auto fill Source Fee Arrangement from Matter Fee Arrangement.

Integrity Create, Update Auto fill Source Fee Arrangement from Matter Fee Arrangement.
If time is using a matter fee arrangement, then auto fills Cost from Rate or Timekeeper.
Auto Generate Name Create, Update Auto fills Name using Entry Date and Matter as formula.
Rate Integrity Create, Update Auto fills Cost from related timekeeper.
Timekeeper Integrity Create, Update Auto fills Cost from related default role.
Recurrence Transaction Integrity Create, Update Auto fills Time id text reference when Time is generated for the recurrence transaction.
Auto fills Account from parent Matter's Primary Account.
Auto fill Source Fee Arrangement from Matter Fee Arrangement.
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