The Rule Set Editor is a grid style user interface designed for easily editing rows and columns of information. The grid is subdivided by grouped columns of Assignment and Criteria.
Each row in the Rule Editor is referred to as a Rule. A Rule consists of Assignments and Criteria.
To add a new Rule simply press the + button on the row where the new rule should be inserted. A new Rule row will immediately appear below the row that was clicked.
To delete a Rule, simply click the X icon in the Actions column for the row that should be removed.
To edit a Rule simply click on the cell you would like to modify.
The criteria within a Rule Set are evaluated from the top to the bottom (of the list of rules). As soon as a rule's criteria evaluate to a true condition, further rule evaluation stops and the assignment is made for the true rule. Subsequent rules are not evaluated.
To change the priority of a Rule, simply click the up/down arrow icons in the Actions column for the row that should be moved.
Considerations within the Assignment columns:
- The Owner ID data type allows the selection of a User or a User Queue.
Considerations within the Criteria columns:
- Text and picklist data types allow "equals" or "not equal to" criteria operators.
- Numeric data types allow "equals", "not equal to", "less than", "greater than", "less or equal", and "greater or equal" operators.
At the top of the Rule Editor, you may select an email template to use when notifying the Owner of a new record assignment.
When the rule set applies an Owner assignment, this email template will notify the assignee they have been assigned "ownership" of the new record.
At the top of the Rule Editor, you may select an email template to use when notifying user assignments, other than the Owner.
When the rule set applies a User assignment, this email template will notify the assignee they have been assigned to the new record. This template is used for any User assignment not designated as the Owner.
The Assignment and Criteria columns are normally selected when you originally create the Rule Set. You may modify these selections from the Rule Editor by clicking the gear icon located next to the Assignment and or Criteria column headings.
You may export a Rule Set using the Export button at the top of the Rule Editor. The resulting file will be formatted using the same format required by the Rule Set Import.
Importing a rule set may be started using the Import button at the top of the Rule Editor.
See the Rule Set Import, Export Chapter for more Details