Article #000001271
The AdvoLogix team has identified certain limitations that presently do not have a work-around from within the application components in Salesforce. Some of these limitations may have a pending resolution from the iManage API that we have consumed within our integration. One of those limitations is documented here.
When interacting with iManage Work related operations, the Connector lightning component will use the logged in user's preferred library instead of the Workspace Mapping Configuration's specified library. This may cause certain unexpected errors in operations when the user's preferred library is not the same as the Workspace Mapping Configuration's library value.
We've acknowledged this as an internal bug, and until this is resolved within our integration, administrators may enforce the correct library name value by specifying it within the app builder deployment options for this component. Providing the library name in the component properties when deploying it within the app builder will enforce all operations performed within the connector are always in context of that library.