AdvoLogix Help

Application Setup & Customization Menus

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AdvoLogix System Administrators can customize each of the standard tabs and types of records, including adding custom fields and setting page layouts.

AdvoLogix System Administrators can also customize search results, tagging, and user interface options for their organization.

In addition, every AdvoLogix user can customize various personal display options.

Personal Setup Overview

Personal Setup Overview

The Personal Setup section contains setup and customization options to help each AdvoLogix User to personalize much of the AdvoLogix application for their use.

Accessed by clicking Your Name | Setup | Personal Setup

For Additional Information See: Application Setup & Customization Menus


App Setup Overview

App Setup Overview

The App Setup page contains options to customize Salesforce, and build, deploy, and manage applications.

Accessed by clicking Your Name | Setup | App Setup

For Additional Information See: Application Setup & Customization Menus


Administration Setup Overview

Administration Setup Overview

The Administration Setup page contains setup and customization options to help you set up your Salesforce organization.

Accessed by clicking Your Name | Setup | Administration Setup

For Additional Information See: Application Setup & Customization Menus

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