The List Views in AdvoLogix can be an excellent tool for mass editing, batch updating and inline editing your data. The following introduction provides an overview on getting started with using List Views.

1. Create a List View
Start by creating a List View conducive the the information you wish to edit. Make sure to place any fields you may wish to edit into the field list. Create a filter to restrict the data displayed to exactly the data you wish to review or update.
For more details please see this online help topic.
2. Sort the List
Click on any column heading to achieve the desired sort order of the information in your list. When sorting on an alphabetic column, the alphabet bar can be used to quickly limit records displayed.
The sort order will be preserved and restored in between sessions.
3. Edit in Place
Edit in place allows a record to be edited without navigating to the form. This functionality can save several keystrokes, per record update.
To edit a field in the list simply hover your mouse over the column and then double-click. If the column does not have an edit symbol (pencil, #3 above) it may be read-only or unavailable for edit.
For more details please see these online help topics:
4. Tagging & Mass Update
The far most left column allows an individual record to be "Tagged". Tagged records can then be Mass Updated. This provides a very valuable approach when needing to change one or more columns on several records at a time. Enter the value once and it's replicated for all tagged records.
For more details please see this online help topic.