AdvoLogix Help

Introduction to Accounts

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The Account record allows your organization to collect information about the organizations your team interacts with. The account record helps support other records (matters, contacts, activities, etc.) that collectively give your organization a 360° view of your business relationships.

In AdvoLogix, matters have the ability to be related to a primary account which is useful for identifying the client related to the matter.  Additional accounts can be related to a matter through the participants related list or by adding custom lookup fields to the matter object. Common account relationships might include clients, courts, medical facilities, and insurance companies.

If an organization serves multiple locations or divisions you may choose to use account hierarchies. In AdvoLogix, you can link multiple offices (of an organization) by using the parent account field on the account record. 

Accounts Home Page

In the classic user interface, clicking on the Accounts tab brings you to the Accounts Home Page.  Choose from the available pre-packaged account lists, Edit or Create a New list using your filter criteria.

  1. In the Recent Accounts section, select an item from the drop-down list to display a brief list of the top accounts matching that criteria. From the list, you can click any account name to go directly to the account detail. Toggle the Show 25 items and Show 10 items links to change the number of items that display.  Or you can click the New Button to add a New Account.
  2. Under Reports, click any report name to jump to that report.
  3. Under Tools, select any of the links  to access utilities for managing your accounts.
  4. Select the New Button to add a new account.
  5. Choose from the available pre-packaged Account list views, edit or Create a New list using your filter criteria.
Accounts List Views

In lightning experience, clicking on the Accounts tab brings you to the list views for accounts.  The accounts tab allows the user to quickly create and locate all types of accounts and also sort and filter the accounts using standard and custom list views. In addition, this tab lets you view and edit detailed information on each account to which the user has access.

Choosing an Account List View

  1. Select an Account view from drop-down.
  2. Click Go!, to navigate to the different Accounts List Views.

Select the Account Name to open and view an Account's details.  Alternately, select the New Account button to create a new Account.

If you serve different locations or divisions your firm may choose to employ Account hierarchies. In AdvoLogix, you can link multiple offices of a company together by using the Parent Account field on the Account record.

How do I create an account?

You can add a new Account from the Accounts tab.  The Account object allows your firm to collect information about the companies your firm does business and interacts with. The Account record is supported by other records (matters, contacts, activities, etc.) that collectively give your firm a 360° view of your clients. From this vantage point, you can easily view from the top, and if you need to, you can easily drill into the details.  Each Matter can have one Primary Account and several participant Accounts.

Create a New Account From the Account Tab

Click the New button.

Create a New Account From an Account List View

Click the New Account button.

How do I update an account?

The Account record allows your organization to collect information about the organizations your team interacts with. The Account record helps support other records (Matters, Contacts, Activities, etc.) that collectively give your organization a 360° view of your business relationships.

Edit an Account From the Account List View

Clicking the Accounts tab brings you to the Accounts tab home page.  The Accounts tab displays a home page that lets you quickly create and locate all types of accounts. Click the Go button.

Click the Edit button.

Change any Account Information as desired.  

How do I merge duplicate accounts?

As you continually use and enter information into AdvoLogix, you may find that duplicate Account records have been inadvertently created. To merge duplicate Accounts, the duplicate records will have to be identified, and then merged into one record, using the merge utility.  You can identify duplicates in an Account report or an Account list view.

Merge an Account from the Account Tab

Selecting the Accounts tab brings you to the Accounts tab home page.  The Accounts tab displays a home page that lets you quickly create and locate all types of accounts.

Select Merge Accounts in the Tools section of the Accounts tab home page.

Select the Account Records To Merge

  1. Input all or part of the name of the duplicate Accounts.
  2. Select Find Accounts to show the related records in the list view.
  3. Place a check mark next to the correct duplicate accounts.
  4. Select Next to proceed to step 2 of the merge process.

Select The Values To Retain

  1. Select the values that you want to retain in the merged record. Highlighted rows indicate fields that contain conflicting data. 
  2. Select the Merge button when you have chosen the values you wish to keep.
    • The Master Record selected will retain read-only and hidden field values.
    • The oldest Created By date and user will be retained in the merged record.  

All related records (including any notes, attachments, and/or activities) will be associated with the new merged record.  All discarded duplicate records are moved to the Recycle Bin.

How do I change the owner of an account?

You can change the ownership of a record from the record detail page.  Clicking the Accounts tab brings you to the Accounts tab home page.  The Accounts tab displays a home page that lets you quickly create and locate all types of Accounts.

Change an Account Owner From the Account Record

  1. Click on the name of an Account in the Recent Accounts list -OR-
  2. Choose a list view to find the Account you are looking, and click the Name of the Account to navigate to the Account detail record.

Select [Change] next to the name of the current owner.

  1. Type all or part of the new owner's name in the search field.
  2. Select the look-up icon.
    • Selecting a Lookup opens a search dialog window that allows you to search for the person you want to add as the new owner. 
    • A blank lookup is performed when you select the lookup icon without entering a search term.
  3. Select the Send Notification Email checkbox to notify the new owner.
    • The from email address displayed in the notification is your return email address as set in the Email Address field of your email settings.
  4. Select Save

Account edit screens contain greater detail, as Accounts records have several related object, many of these are specific to Sales, where rules that will apply to AdvoLogix are:

  • All notes and open Activities for this Account will be transferred to the new owner.
  • All contacts within the account owned by the current owner; including all related notes and open Activities; will be transferred to the new owner

You will be returned to the Account detail page where you can observe the ownership changed.

How do I add a custom field to an account?

You can add a custom field to the Accounts object to record details not readily available in the standard existing data entry options.  

Navigate to Setup | App Setup | Customize | Accounts | Fields.

Scroll down past Accounts Standard fields to the Accounts Custom Fields and Relationships section.

Choose the Field Type

Specify the type of information that the custom field will contain.  Select the Data Type for the field to be added.

Enter the Details

Custom fields marked as unique count against an object's limit of three external ID fields.

Establish Field-Level Security

Select the profiles to which you want to grant edit access to this field via field-level security.  The field will be hidden from all profiles if you do not add it to field-level security.

Select the page layouts that should include this field.  The field will not appear on any pages if you do not select a layout.  When finished, click Save if you are done or click Save & New to create more custom fields.

Default Field Location

The field will be added as the last field in the first 2-column section of these page layouts.  To change the location of this field on the page, you will need to customize the page layout.  To change the location of this field on the page, you will need to click Edit Layout.

Edit the Account Page Layout

Click and drag the new Account field and Drop it in another location.  Alternatively, click Layout name to make changes to other page layouts as needed.  Click Save to save changes to Layout.

Choose the Desired Field Location

For additional custom field attributes information see's:

How do I create a participant from an account?

A Participant can be an account, contact, user/staff, or other related to a specific Matter by the role they play in the engagement. By appropriately managing matter participants, organizations can easily identify the variety of business relationships among the entities they conduct business.  

The participants related list can be found on a component on the account record or you can go to the Related List Quick Links and hover your mouse over the Participant link.

Select the Record Type

Available Participant Record Types:

  1. Contact
  2. Account
  3. User
  4. Other

After selecting Save on the participants creation screen, you are taken back to the account you added the participant to.

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