AdvoLogix Help

How do I export and import invoice rule entries?

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AdvoLogix provides the ability to export all Invoice Rule Entries within an invoice Rule. The ability to export and import would facilitate users' testing and running rules safely within a sandbox environment before moving them to the production environment.

Export Rule Entries

  • Open the Invoice Rule detail view and scroll to the Invoice Rule Entry list. 
  • From the action button menu within the Invoice Rule Entry list, use the Export Rule Entries action button to export all the invoice rule entries.
  • Save the generated file locally to your workstation.

Import Rule Entries

  • Open the Invoice Rule detail view and scroll to the Invoice Rule Entry list. 
  • From the action button menu within the Invoice Rule Entry list, use the Import Rule Entries action button to import all the invoice rule entries from a file.
  • On the screen that opens, select the file generated from the Export Rule Entries action before.
  • [Optional] Select the checkbox Delete existing rule entries to delete all previous invoice rule entries before importing new rule entries from the selected file.
  • Click the Import button to carry out the import action.
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