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Batch Invoice Tab and⚡Component

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In Spend Management, an invoice is usually generated by an outside counsel. In some cases, an invoice may need to be generated manually and may require entering fee and expenses over a period of time.

For that specific use case, AdvoLogix provides an easy-to-use Batch Invoice lightning component that allows users to enter time and expense line items quickly and efficiently while the invoice is kept open. Once all entries have been finalized and validated it can be submitted for approval.

How do I add the batch invoice component to a lighting page?

1. Deployment Use Cases

The AdvoLogix Batch Invoice component is designed for use within lightning apps, home pages or the utility bar and is also available as dedicated tab. The primary use case for the component is within the context of a community setup for outside counsels; however, the component may also be deployed and used for in-house counsels as well.

2. Deployment Options

  • Line Item Fields to Show: Determine the fields to be displayed in the invoice line items display grid. By default, the component loads with the following fields from the invoice line items object as display columns:


  • The field API names are combined into a single string of comma-separated values and will display the fields as columns in the order they are provided.

How do I use and customize the batch invoice component?

  1. Batch Invoice Action Bar:
    • Save Draft - Saves the current state of invoice and its line items, without submitting it for approval.
    • Edit - Allows users to edit the invoice with all standard fields.
    • Validate - Initiates a background process on the invoice and validates it against the configured invoice rules.
    • Submit - Initiates invoice submission for approval as per the configured approval process.

  2. Invoice Line Items Action Bar:
    • Total Amount - Summarized total amount displayed for all invoice line items within the invoice.
    • Add Fee Line Item - Quickly add a new fee line item to the invoice.
    • Add Expense Line Item - Quickly add a new expense line item to the invoice.

  3. Invoice Information Panel:
    • Invoice Detail - Display basic invoice start and end date information.
    • Related - Display Invoice related files where users can upload and attach invoice PDF or other related documents.  

  4. Invoice Line Items Display Grid:
    • Display line items within the invoice in an editable format where users can quickly and easily enter the information relevant for each item.

  5. Invoice Line Items Action Menu -
    • Edit - Allows users to edit the line item with all standard fields.
    • Delete - Allows user to delete the line item from the invoice.

Grid Column Customization

The invoice line items display grid columns can be customized in more than one way:

  1. As a system administrator, you can go to Salesforce Setup | Custom Code | Custom Settings | Batch Invoice Fields, and select the Manage Records button. You can create multiple records here by selecting the New button and enter the line Item fields information on the form presented. The following fields are available for entering data for the batch invoice fields:
    • Name - Enter the invoice line item field API name here for the field.
    • Is Required - Mark the field to be assumed as required or not.
    • Order - Allows you to order your fields to be displayed in a specific sequence.

      PLEASE NOTE: Adding the batch invoice fields here changes the fields to be displayed everywhere in your organization for this component, unless the component instances have been overridden with the line item fields to Show App Builder property.

  2. As a system administrator, you can provide a comma-separated list of the field API names from the invoice line items object in the Line Item Fields to Show App Builder property.

    PLEASE NOTE: This will affect the fields to be displayed within the specific batch invoice component instance only.

Adding an invoice line item from within this lightning component can automatically pre-fill the account from the invoice record.

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