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Working With a UniCourt Case

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The UniCourt Case view provides access to information and actions relevant to the underlying UniCourt Case record. This page layout and the underlying data can be customized to suit specific use case scenarios. 

1. UniCourt Case Details

The fields on the details tab can be used in list views, reports, and within workflow processes. All the case fields represent the values defined by and provided to the integration from UniCourt. For this reason, these fields would typically not be modified by end users.

The available related lists contain information relevant to the underlying UniCourt Case.  The available related lists are:

  • UniCourt Parties
  • UniCourt Attorneys
  • UniCourt Judges
  • UniCourt Docket Entries

2. UniCourt Documents Lightning Component

The UniCourt Documents lightning component is available for both UniCourt Cases as well as UniCourt Docket Entry. The component displays all the documents related to your Case or Docket Entry.   The Status of a document highlights if it has been downloaded into Files within AdvoLogix from UniCourt.

  • New - The case has been added to AdvoLogix and the related document list is saved.
  • Order Complete - Once the document has been ordered from UniCourt, the respective document is updated to this status in AdvoLogix.
  • Downloaded - If the Auto Download Documents setting has been enabled, (see Global Settings) the documents will be downloaded soon after it has been ordered in UniCourt.

3. UniCourt Case Proposed Actions Lightning Component

The actions listed under Proposed Actions are dynamically determined by the current state of the UniCourt Case.  Potential proposed actions include:

  1. Open in UniCourt - Navigate to the case in the UniCourt application.
  2. Link Matter - Quickly link the underlying UniCourt Case to an existing matter. When possible, AdvoLogix will suggest a matter based on the UniCourt Case's case number.
  3. Create Matter - Quickly create a new matter using the underlying UniCourt Case information. The field mapping templates allow organizations to map fields between the UniCourt Case and an AdvoLogix matter.
  4. Update Matter - Transfer the UniCourt Case updates to an existing matter. This process is also useful for comparing a UniCourt Case to a related matter.
  5. Request Case Updates - Manually initiate a request for a case update. Case updates will automatically be downloaded if we detect new updates available from UniCourt.
  6. Update Now - This action is available only when the Auto Download Case Updates global setting is disabled and we detect new updates available from UniCourt.
  7. Save Docket Entries - Quickly save Docket Entries to activities. This action is available when the UniCourt Case has been attached to a matter.
  8. Start/Stop Tracking Case - Toggle the state of tracking the case.  This action is rendered based on whether you are tracking this case in UniCourt for updates or not. 

For more information regarding the global settings see Global UniCourt Integration Settings.

4. Chatter

Chatter allows users to collaborate in context with the UniCourt Case they are discussing.  For more information on using Chatter, follow this link.

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