UniCourt communicates with AdvoLogix by sending updates to a dedicated web service, which can be set up in your organization using Force.com Sites. Force.com Sites lets you create public web applications and websites that run natively on Force.com (under your domain).
UniCourt Webhooks are deprecated from v1.6 onward. UniCourt no longer supports webhooks in the UniCourt Enterprise API.
How To Retrieve Your Force.com Sites URL
You can retrieve Your Force.com Site's URL by following these steps:
- Go to Setup | User Interface | Sites and Domains | Sites list.
- Open your site and scroll down to the Custom URLs related list.
- Your Force.com Site URL will be a combination of Domain Name & Path.
For example, if your Domain Name is advologix-demo.my.salesforce-sites.com
and Path is /webhooks
then Your Force.com Site URL will be advologix-demo.my.salesforce-sites.com/webhooks
When Enhanced Domains is enabled or disabled within an organization, it will impact the Force.com Sites URL needed to receive UniCourt service updates. Whenever such configuration change is deployed within your organization, your administrator must assemble the new updated URL as explained above and update it according to the instructions listed below.
Update Endpoint URL to Webhook in UniCourt
Please follow this article and update all necessary Webhooks within your UniCourt Account Panel.