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Release Notes (ND)

Updated on

Version 1.2

Introducing the NetDocuments Integration for Salesforce Powered by AdvoLogix, a new tool that allows users the ability to browse through NetDocuments Workspaces and open, edit, or download your documents from within the context of your Salesforce records.

NetDocuments Lightning App

The NetDocuments Integration for Salesforce Powered by AdvoLogix now includes a lightning app that has a pre-configured navigation menu and a collection of utility bar components, as well as a home page with AdvoLogix lightning components.

AdvoLogix Connector⚡Component

For every record, a base workspace will be present in NetDocuments. The user will be presented with an option to create a new workspace in NetDocuments, if there are none created already. This component provides access within the workspace and users are able to open, download or checkout/in documents with ease. For more details, follow this link.

The AdvoLogix Document Link lightning component allows a user to link a specific document by saving the document URL into a specific field on the record. For more details, follow this link.

AdvoLogix My Favorites⚡Component

The AdvoLogix My Favorites lightning component allows users to view and manage a list of frequently used workspaces or documents as shortcuts. The list is maintained within NetDocuments My Favorites and users can add or remove items either from within NetDocuments Web or Salesforce. For more details, follow this link.

The AdvoLogix Featured Items lightning component for allows users to view a list of workspaces or documents as shortcuts that your administrator can configure. The list is maintained within Salesforce and users can add or remove items from the respective instance of the Featured Items lightning component. For more details, follow this link.

Enhanced Navigation Support For Browsing Workspaces & Folders

The NetDocuments Integration for Salesforce Powered by AdvoLogix has added support for enhanced navigation while browsing NetDocuments workspaces and folders within Salesforce. For more details, follow this link.

Support for Digital Experiences (Lightning Communities)

AdvoLogix has enabled all their lightning components for usage within Digital Experiences (or lightning communities). Administrators can share content from NetDocuments directly to the Salesforce community users.

Create Workspace Configurations Using An Easy To Use Wizard Guidance

The Workspace Manager uses a wizard style interface for creating Workspace Configurations. The new wizard-based interface allows your administrator to go through various options as they make sense to your internal use case and save the configuration.

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