The NetDocuments Setup tab allows users to configure the application and workspace-specific settings in AdvoLogix. The setup sidebar navigation contains various actions that concentrate on specific configuration settings that impact how end users receive notification updates or how the NetDocuments components connect and display relevant information easily throughout the application's usage.
Users will need the Customize Application permission in Salesforce to manage or edit options within the NetDocuments Setup tab.
NetDocuments URL Reference Table
Administrators will use the table below to find their Application URL and API URL based on their organization's location. The steps below will involve the continuous utilization of these two URLs as part of the setup process.
Location |
Application URL |
United States (US) | | |
United Kingdom (EU) | | |
Australia (AU) | | |
Germany (DE) | | |
Canada (CAN) | | |
Step 1: Create the Remote Site
In Salesforce Setup, enter the Remote Site Settings into the Quick Find box, and select Remote Site Settings from the results. Select the New Remote Site button.
Remote Site Name - Enter a unique remote site name but with no spaces.
For example: NetDocumentsIntegration - Remote Site URL - Enter your NetDocuments API URL.
- Active - Verify this checkbox is enabled.
- Click Save.
Step 2: Create Allowed Origins List in CORS
In Salesforce Setup, enter CORS into the Quick Find box, and select CORS from the results. Select the New button.
Set the following options:
- Origin URL Pattern - Enter your NetDocuments API URL.
- Click Save.
Step 3: Create the New Trusted URLs
In Salesforce Setup, enter Trusted URLs into the Quick Find box, and select Trusted URLs. Select the New Trusted URL button and complete the form once for each URL.
Enter the Application URL
API Name - Enter a unique trusted site name but with no spaces.
For example: NetDocumentsTrustedApplicationUrl - URL - Enter your NetDocuments Application URL.
- Description - Enter any value to easily describe the purpose of this trusted site addition.
- Active - Enable
- CSP Context - Set to All.
- connect-src (scripts) - Enable
- font-src (fonts) - Enable
- frame-src iframe content) - Enable
- img-src (images) - Enable
- media-src (audio and video) - Enable
- style-src (style sheets) - Enable
- Click Save.
Enter the API URL
API Name - Enter a unique trusted site name but with no spaces.
For example: NetDocumentsTrustedAPIUrl - URL - Enter your NetDocuments API URL.
- Description - Enter any value to easily describe the purpose of this trusted site addition.
- Active - Enable
- CSP Context - Set to All.
- connect-src (scripts) - Enable
- font-src (fonts) - Enable
- frame-src iframe content) - Enable
- img-src (images) - Enable
- media-src (audio and video) - Enable
- style-src (style sheets) - Enable
- Click Save.
Step 4: Set Up the NetDocuments Configuration
NetDocuments Setup Tab
The NetDocuments Setup allows users to configure the application and workspace-specific settings in AdvoLogix. The setup sidebar navigation contains various actions that concentrate on specific configuration settings that impact how end users receive notification updates or how the NetDocuments components connect and display relevant information easily throughout the application's usage.
You can find the NetDocuments Setup in the app launcher (waffle) at the top left of any Salesforce page.
NetDocuments Configuration
- From the side menu, click on NetDocuments Configuration.
- Select the Edit action button in the page header.
- Select your NetDocuments service Location.
- Enter the Redirect URL using the instructions found here.
TIP: If you have not already, you will need to send the redirect url to AdvoLogix Support ([email protected]) for approval prior to installing the NetDocuments Integration.
Once all values have been provided, select the Save button to save the configuration values. Your NetDocuments authentication setup is complete!