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NetDocuments Setup: Workspace Configuration Manager

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NetDocuments Workspace Manager allows users to create or edit object-specific configurations. These configurations are necessary to be set up and created before using the connector lightning component. The workspace configuration binds one or more workspaces in NetDocuments to records in Salesforce.

NetDocuments Workspace Manager Basics

From the side menu, click on NetDocuments Workspace Manager.

  1. The New action button in the page header allows users to create a new workspace configuration.
  2. A list of all previously saved workspace configurations associated with different objects.
  3. Each workspace configuration row is presented in a grid and tile user interface. The titles reflect the Object Name and Workspace Details in respective columns and sub-text below the tiles are additional associated properties, such as - Base Attribute, Repository, Cabinet, Template information etc.
  4. A row action menu containing various action items available for each workspace configuration.

When the row action menu is selected (see #3 above) these are the available options:

  1. Edit - Edit an existing workspace configuration.
  2. Make Active/Inactive- Make the workspace configuration active or in-active.  An inactive workspace configuration will not be available for use in the NetDocuments components.  Tip: When you create a new workspace, you will always need to activate it before it can be used.
  3. New Workspace Custom Profile - Create a new custom profile for the workspace.
  4. Manage Workspace Custom Profiles - Manage all created custom profiles for the workspace.

Custom profiles are additional metadata that your workspace may need to be attached with.

Creating a New Workspace Configuration

Select the New action button in the page header to create a new workspace configuration. The wizard interface guides you as an administrator to much clearer options when creating the workspace configuration.

Object Information

  1. Select your Object to build a workspace configuration for.
  2. [Optional] Select a Record Type to apply the configuration only to those records with the selected record type.

Workspace Information

  1. Select a Repository from your NetDocuments service account.
  2. Select the Cabinets where your workspaces are placed in.
  3. Choose one of the options from Select Workspace or Advanced.  
    1. Select Workspace - On choosing this option, you can select any pre-existing workspace from within your selected cabinet.
    2. Advanced - On choosing this option, you would be presented with options to provide mapping for the Base Attribute, as defined within your selected cabinet in NetDocuments Admin Console.
  4. Provide a Base Attribute mapping details with the Base Attribute Key and Base Attribute Description. This section is displayed when you have chosen the Advanced option in Step E.
    (Additionally, if your Base Attribute has a linked parent attribute, then you may see a separate section for Link To Parent Attribute.)
    1. Base Attribute Key - Provide a unique key to identify your workspace in NetDocuments. This field supports merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} which can be inserted easily using the attached Insert button (see Step G below for details).
    2. Base Attribute Description - Provide a description to map as a workspace label in NetDocuments. This field supports merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} which can be inserted easily using the attached Insert button (see Step G below for details).
  5. Use the Insert button to launch a field browser interface, in which you can easily select and navigate through from the list of fields from the base object and choose to insert it into the attached input box with the merge field formatted structure automatically applied.
  6. [Applicable when Auto-Create Workspace is enabled] Provide a Workspace Template to apply a sub-folder structure to the newly generated workspace. This field supports merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}}. The resolved value from this must match to a Workspace Template Name as defined within your cabinet in the NetDocuments Admin Console.
  7. To be able to generate a workspace automatically when it does not exist within the cabinet, then enable the Auto-create workspace option. If the connector component does not find a workspace using the configuration setup here, then a new workspace will be created for the record.

Creating a Custom Profile for Workspaces

Select a Profile Attribute Name from list of available attributes as defined within the selected cabinet.

Depending on the Profile Attribute Name chosen, one or more of these inputs will need to be completed:

  1. Provide a Profile Attribute Value, which can include merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} to generate a value for the custom profile.
  2. Provide a Profile Attribute Key, which can include merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} to generate a value for the custom profile. (Only available for lookup data profile types.)
  3. Provide a Profile Attribute Description, which can include merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} to generate a value for the custom profile. (Only available for lookup data profile types.)
  4. Provide a Parent Key, which can include merge field syntaxes in the form of {{FieldName}} to generate a value for the custom profile. (Only available for lookup data profile types and where the selected Profile Attribute has defined a 'Link to Parent' attribute in the NetDocuments Admin Console.)

All merge field supportive inputs support inserting a prepared syntax using a field browser interface, with the Insert button attached to the input.

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