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Integrating Expenses with Accounts Payable

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The AdvoLogix Accounting Seed integration supports the ability to create Accounting Seed Billing records from underlying AdvoLogix Time and Expense entries. In general, this impacts the accounts receivable subsystem in Accounting Seed. On the other hand, Expenses may also be related to the accounts payable subsystem. For this reason organizations may wish to reduce the need for duplicate entry. 

This article provides suggestions for those organizations wishing to integrate AdvoLogix Expense records with Accounting Seed's accounts payable subsystem.

Due to the extensive customization capabilities of both AdvoLogix and Accounting Seed the following concepts are generic in nature and should be considered within the context of the organization's unique implementation.

1. AdvoLogix User (check request)

A common use case for an AdvoLogix user to initiate an accounts payable process is when submitting a check request. The goal of this process is to automatically create a new Accounting Seed Accounts Payable for an underlying AdvoLogix Expense.

1.1. Expense Fields

Add the following fields to the Expense object:

  • AP Line Item (lookup)
  • Create AP (checkbox)
1.2. Expense Trigger

Create an Expense object trigger to manage the create, update and delete process of the Accounts Payable record(s). Make sure to consider any approval processes that may be in place. Use the Create AP checkbox to signify the creation of an AP Item.

  • On Create 
    • If Create AP is enabled, create a new Accounting Seed AP and AP Detail record. 
    • Assign the Project to the AP Line Item based on the Expense's Matter to Project relationship.
    • Save the AP Line Item record ID to the Expense.
  • On Update
    • Has the Create AP been enabled but was previously disabled? If so, go to On Create.
    • Was the Create AP checkbox previously enabled and disabled during update? If so, go to On Delete.
    • Did any AP information change? If so, update the AP/AP Detail.
  • On Delete 
    • If Create AP is enabled, delete the AP/AP Detail
1.3. Expense Validation Rule
  • If the AP has been posted, the Expense cannot be changed or deleted.

2. Accounting User (vendor invoice)

Some organizations may wish to create Matter related AdvoLogix Expenses at the time of the Accounts Payable entry. A common use case is processing an incoming vendor invoice. The goal of this process is to automatically create a new AdvoLogix Expense from the underlying Accounts Payable Line Items.

2.1. AP Line Item Fields

The AP Line Item has a field labeled Billable which may be used to control the trigger execution path.

2.2. AP Line Item Trigger

Create an Expense object trigger to manage the create, update and delete process of the Accounts Payable record(s).

Create an Accounts Payable Line Item object trigger to manage the create, update and delete process of the Expense record(s). Optionally consider using the Billable checkbox to signify the creation of an AdvoLogix Expense.

  • On Create 
    • If Billable is enabled and a Project has been assigned, create a new AdvoLogix Expense record. 
    • Assign the Expense Matter based on the Matter to Project relationship.
    • Save the AP Line Item record ID to the Expense.
  • On Update
    • Was Billable enabled but previously disabled? If so, go to On Create.
    • Was the Billable checkbox previously enabled and disabled during update? If so, go to On Delete.
    • Did any AP/AP Detail information change? If so, update the Expense.
  • On Delete 
    • Delete the Expense
2.3. AP Line Item Validation Rule (optional)

When Project is an optional entry for the AP Line Item, a validation rule will be required to ensure the Project is not blank when an Expense is created.

By relying on object triggers these techniques are conducive to importing data from a variety of sources and destinations.

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