For every matter, a base folder will be present in SharePoint. The user will be presented with an option to connect to an existing base folder in SharePoint or it can be created and linked to a matter on the go.
How do I add the Connector component to a lightning page?
The AdvoLogix Connector lightning component is designed for use within a lightning record page for any object in your organization.
Deployment Options
Navigate to the gear icon and select Edit Page. You are now in the lightning page editor and will find the Connector component in the list of components in the left side menu.
- Login As - Optionally, provide a user to automatically authenticate all SharePoint related operations within the component. The provided user must be enabled as Secured Login within SharePoint Setup. For more details, follow this article.
When a Login As user is provided within the app builder deployment options, all operations related to SharePoint are performed on behalf of that selected user. The current user cannot log in or log out from SharePoint from within the component.
If the provided secured logged in user logs out from their environment, then the user is logged out from all instances of the components where the secured login has been setup to use as via the Login As option.
Using the Connector Component
- The logged-in user's basic information such as name and email is displayed.
- An action button to log out the user.
- Basic breadcrumb informational bar, to display the current folder path from the base folder, with each folder clickable to jump directly into. Clicking the folder icon in the breadcrumb will take the user to the current folder in SharePoint.
- Users can select a file to upload or drag-n-drop a file to upload into the current folder.
- A list of files and folders from the connected SharePoint folder.
- An options menu to perform basic operations, such as:
- Create a Folder - To create new folder within your currently displayed folder.
- Create Folder From Template - To create a collection of a set of predefined folders within the currently displayed folder. For more details follow this article.
- Link an Existing Folder - To connect a different base folder to the record.
- Create a Spreadsheet - To create a SharePoint document in the current folder displayed.
- Create a Document - To create a SharePoint spreadsheet in the current folder displayed.
- Create a Slide - To create a SharePoint presentation in the current folder displayed.
SharePoint enforces a limitation from the SharePoint platform of being unable to access any folder with more than 5,000 items within. We gracefully handle them but are unable to display content from such folders.