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Global CT SOP Integration Settings

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The CT SOP integration global settings are available under the Integrations heading within AdvoLogix Setup. These settings allow organizations to establish their CT SOP account identity, import schedule, and other options related to the integration.

The CT SOP integration global settings are only available to system administrators.

CT SOP Account

  1. Username - Uniquely identifies your organization's CT account login utilized by the integration. This information is established and provided to your organization by CT Corporation.
  2. Password - Used in conjunction with the username. This is established for your organization through CT Corporation, in conjunction with the username specified above.
  3. Channel ID - Provided to your organization by CT Corporation and used to uniquely identify the SOP Logs available to the integration.
  4. Connect to CT Sandbox Environment: Enable this option to identify your CT Account as a test sandbox. (CT Support should be able to confirm whether your Credentials/Channel ID belong to a sandbox or production environment.)
  5. Test Connection - Validate the CT SOP Account parameters.

Import Options

  1. Auto Download Documents - When enabled, this option automatically downloads documents when new SOP Logs are created during the import scan. Alternatively, documents may be downloaded from the SOP workflow environment on an "as needed" basis.
  2. Auto Link Matter - When enabled, this option will try to find and match an existing matter using the Case Number from the SOP Logs as they are being imported.
  3. Post Scan Results to Chatter - Enter a Chatter entity for import scan results. We suggest using a group. Import results will be posted to this group at the conclusion of each scheduled connector scan. Scan notifications are only delivered for scans resulting in new or updated SOP activity.
  4. Scan Now - This option will perform an unscheduled import scan. This is usually the first step for a new installation and can be used at any time to perform an immediate scan of your organization's CT SOP Connector activity.

Import Schedule

  1. Enable Scheduler - When enabled performs import scans on a specified schedule.
  2. Scan on Weekdays Only - Does not attempt to import updates from CT SOP on Saturday and Sunday.
  3. Last Scan Time - Date and time of the last scan.  
  4. Time Range -  Select the time of day the import scan should process.
  5. Frequency - Select how often the import scan should run. 

It is important to note, the schedule will 'run as' the user saving the Import Schedule options. The selected times will be based on this user's timezone.

Other Options

  1. Allow Acknowledgements - Determines if the AdvoLogix integration allows users to submit SOP Acknowledgements. This option requires specific configuration through your CT SOP account.
  2. SOP Mapping Templates - This link opens the list view for the SOP to matter field mapping templates. 

SOP Logs can be quickly converted to a new matter. The conversion process passes mapped content from the log as default values for the new matter. The matter creation process uses custom data mapping templates allowing organizations the ability to control this behavior.  

The option to Allow Acknowledgements should only be enabled in production environments. This option should not be enabled in a sandbox or for general testing purposes.

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